
Monday, September 3, 2007

Me and the Girls at Church!

I just had to have some pics taken of me and my friends yesterday at church!! :) l to r: Kelsey Hughey, Hannah Morse, and me!
A group picture!! Back row l to r: Alyssa Scott, me, Kelsey Hughey, and Ali Ambrosetti
Front row l to r: Hannah Morse, Haleigh Poe, and Hannah Patterson


  1. Lovely ladies! It looks as though you are blessed with a wonderful church group!

  2. Wow!! Those pictures turned out great! Geneva wishes she new that we were taking them so that she could have been in them!

    I'm going to bring our camera next week so that I can get some pics for our blog! (I'll make sure that the batteries are charged up!) ;)
    Thanks for being such a wonderful friend!

    In Christ,

  3. My eyes WERE closed in that pic!!!

    Oh well!...

    See ya, ALI

  4. Hi, Anna Naomi!! Thank you so much for your sweet comment! :) Yes, I have been blessed beyond words by this new church and those that I've met through it! Each friend is such a huge blessing!

  5. Hi, Hannah!! Yeah, they did! I was very pleasantly surprised! Oh no! We'll definitely have to take more next Sunday so that she can be in them too!! Our batteries were completely charged, but I guess something happened to them. :( Oh least the pics we got turned out!! :)

    You're such a great friend, Hannah!!


  6. They aren't completely closed. :) Don't worry, tho-we will be taking more next Sunday!


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God bless you!

~Rebekah S.