
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Our trip to Savannah, GA-Day 2 (Sunday, September 16, 2007) Part 3

After our lunch, Daddy decided that we were going to go down to the river of Savannah and peruse some of the neat shops. The first we entered was the Savannah Candy Company. :) Haleigh, this pic and the following one are for you and your family! I saw the Apple Day pics on your website! These chocolate caramel apples were HUGE! These pictures don't even do them justice. And they were so good! I had never had a caramel apple before, and I must say-I was quite happy with my first one! :)
Andrew seemed to enjoy them as well!
It is so neat to be able to just sit outside the Candy Company and be so close to the river that you see huge ships going by! :)

After our shopping, we went back to go walking in some of the squares.
A statue of John Wesley.
Andrew and I in a beautiful gazebo in the middle of one of the squares.


  1. Wow! It looks like such fun!! Its really great that you all had such a good time together!

  2. It was a lot of fun. :) Thanks so much for your sweet comment, Hannah!!

    See you tomorrow!!

  3. Yum! I have had one of those apples before. You can definitely share it with somebody!

  4. Ella,
    Yes!! They are huge! And they are so yummy! :)


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~Rebekah S.