Hi, everyone! I just want to say how sorry I am that I haven't posted anything lately apart from the Bible verses and devotionals. I've been swamped with school, dance classes, etc. etc. lately, and have just not found the time to post all of the many things I want to/need to!! Please don't think that I'm forgeting about you-because I'm not! :)
I have lots of pictures to post soon, as well as many other posts on homemaking, Bible reading, feminism, etc. so please check back often! I will also be posting the very important announcement about a ministry idea that the Lord laid on my heart-so you definitely won't want to miss that post!
Thank you all so much for all the sweet comments you leave, for your support, for your sweet e-mails, etc. It's really an encouragement to me to keep this blog going when I read how the devotionals, etc. help you. Keep the comments/e-mails coming! They make my day! :)
Have a wonderful day, dear ladies!
Rebekah, I haven't visited for some time, and I must tell you you're doing a great job on this blog! Ah, if only I had your wisdom when I was your age... fortunately it's never too late to learn!
ReplyDeleteHello! It seems as I'm a little behind on posting, sorry about that!
I really can't wait to post the pictures from our trip, its just that our computer won't let me post images of any kind! I'm not sure what's wrong, but hope it clears away soon.
Well, need to go.
In Christ,
Rebekah, it is good to know that you are well. I haven't from you, either by e-mail or through my blog. I am excited to hear about the things God is teaching you, as I hope to soon mention all that He is teaching me!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! Your words are too kind!
You and your blog are such a blessing to me!
The Lord's richest blessings to you!
Welcome back!! I sure did miss your sweet comments while you were gone! I hope you and your family had a wonderful vacation! I can't wait to hear all about it and see the pictures! I guess blogger is having some problems right now....hopefully they'll be fixed and straigtened out soon!
Thank you so much for coming back!! I'm so sorry I have not been keeping up with my e-mail/blog comment duties lately! I've been swamped lately with school, dance classes, etc. etc. I will be using this weekend to get back on track with e-mails, blogs, etc. I can't wait to hear about all that the Lord has been teaching you lately! I'm really looking forward to hearing all about it!
By the way, Ella, I like your new picture!