
Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Question Game

I first saw this question game on the beautiful In Beauty and In Grace blog, and thought it would be fun if I did this myself! :)


Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper!!!

Real tree or artificial? I love the smell of a real tree, but an artificial one is more practical for us, since we have a dog and cat who would like to drink from the tree's water bowl, and plus we like to keep up our tree for a while.

When do you put up the tree? The weekend after Thanksgiving.

When do you take the tree down? Usually the weekend after New Year's.

Favorite holiday theme? Hmmm.....well, I don't really know if this is what the question means, but I really enjoy cozy, family gatherings for Christmas (i.e. all gathered around a raging fire, sipping hot cocoa, singing Christmas carols while someone accompanies on the piano, etc.)

Favorite gift received as a child? would have to be either my easy bake oven or my cashier set.

Do you have a nativity scene? Yes! I love nativity scenes. They're a beautiful reminder of the true reason for the season-Christ Jesus and His birth. They remind me what a blessed give He is. My great-grandmother has a beautiful nativity scene. When she bought it (it has about 15 pieces!) it was white, and she then painted it all by hand. It's simply beautiful!

Hardest person to buy for? My grandfather on my mom's side is definitely the hardest person in out family to buy for!!

Easiest person to buy for? my Daddy

Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I don't really think there has been one that I haven't liked.

Mail or email cards? Cards in the mail are so special, and I always look forward to receiving them. E-mail cards are ok too.

Favorite Christmas movie? It's a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol

When do you start shopping for Christmas? Whenever I find something I want to buy for someone. :)

Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No.

Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Ham and my grandmother's WONDERFUL cornbread dressing. (and pie as well!)

White lights or colored on the tree? I like both. White lights give a more elegant look, while colored lights make it more country/traditional looking.

Favorite Christmas song? That's hard! There are so many that I like! I really like "Joy to the World" and "O Holy Night". What beautiful songs they are!

Travel for Christmas or stay at home? I enjoy having Christmas Day at home, and then traveling somewhere to visit family/friends either a couple days before or after Christmas.

Can you name all of Santa's reindeers? Yes-Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen(and Rudolph! :))

Angel on the tree top or a star? In the past, we had always had an angel on the top of our tree, but this year we have 2 trees-one has an angel and the other has the Christmas star. I really like both.

Open the presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? If you're going to open all of your presents on one day, then I would have to say that you have to do it on Christmas Day! :) In our house, though, we each open one gift on Christmas Eve and then do the rest on Christmas morning.

Most annoying thing about this time of year? I like the Christmas crowds in the mall, etc., but it sometimes gets annoying when you get into those traffic jams in the parking lots!

What do you love most about Christmas? Being together with family and friends. Making memories that will last a lifetime. Remembering how blessed we are to have Christ, our Savior, in our lives.

Ok, ladies! Now it's your turn to answer!! Post your answers on your blog or in a comment! I'm looking forward to reading yours!


  1. Rebekah, we are the same way with presents. We open one one Christmas Eve, though this year it was two!


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.