
Monday, December 10, 2007

Daily Bible Verse

Hi, ladies! I hope you don't mind, but I'm doing something a little different today. Instead of doing a devotional today, I'm going to post a verse instead, and then will do the devotional tomorrow. I hope that's ok with all of you! :)

To all of my dear friends, both from church and from "blog land":

"The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you: The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."

~Numbers 6:24-26


  1. I'd heard that verse many, many times, but I'm not sure if I knew whether it was from Numbers. I wonder why it is so popular for the blessing at the end of a church service.

    *going to look up the context*

  2. Aah, I just looked at it and I see why ...

  3. :) Hey, Monika! It's great to have you visiting my blog. Thanks for your comments! I just love those verses, don't you?

  4. They are incredibly sweet, yes.

    Thank you. :D


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.