
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Dress! :)

A few weeks ago, McCalls patterns at one of our local fabric stores were on sale for $1 each. I really need work on my sewing(a very important skill for a young woman to have!), so we bought a few of the patterns. I found one in particular that I really loved, so I decided to begin with that one. We found some fabric we liked and began the dress making process. My mom was a huge help to me (such as with explaining what the pattern was telling me to do! :)) as I did the sewing. I did the majority of the sewing myself, but my mom was a huge help in the areas I wasn't comfortable with doing yet(such as the hem, etc). I'm so pleased with the finished product.

Though the pattern was found in the regular dress section of the McCall's book, it is a Pride and Prejudice/ Regency era dress. I had been really wanting to have a more casual dress like this(my dear mother made me a fancy one for the Father Daughter retreat in April), and am so pleased with the outcome. I wore it to church this past Sunday and received numerous compliments. It's so pretty, comfortable and gloriously feminine! :)

Here are pics of it:

What do you think?


  1. It's very pretty, Rebekah. Great job!

  2. Beuatifully done! I love the pattern you chose, and am waiting for it to go on sale here so I can make one for my DIL...only I am going to addan extra panel to make it a maternity dress! I like the more simple look for everyday at home as well.

  3. Wow! I love the dress! Its very pretty and feminine looking!
    Thank you for sharing the pictures!

  4. I had a question for you about your sewing. Last summer I bought several dresses before I understood about dressing modestly. I still love the style and fabric of the dresses but would like to add length and make them not so low cut. Do you have any ideas to do that to dresses (or other articles of clothing so I'm not getting rid of much loved clothing and not spending tons of money for a new wardrobe but can make them modest. )

  5. how pretty i have a dress with the same design.

  6. It's beautiful!! I love the material.

  7. **Anonymous:
    My sister and I have added pieces to make sleep-shirts not so low-cut, so it's kind of the same idea. I'm not an expert seamstress at all, and it might depend on the kind of dress it is, but if you simply find a material that matches, you can sew it on the inside of the dress to make it higher-cut. My sister also added length to her sleep-shirt, but she ended up not liking it because she couldn't take very far steps or sit down well. Keep that in mind--unless you add a material that's stretchy or have a dress that flares quite a bit, you might have some trouble doing stuff in it! However, my sister's was a sleep-shirt, so it's not quite the same thing. :) Also, with some shirts or dresses I layer them with a tanktop to make them more modest.
    Hope this helps a little!
    In Christ,

  8. What a pretty dress! I like it very much. I want to make some dresses of my own soon, but I don't know if I will get around to it. Hmm.

    Have a very bright, very cheerful day!
    Miss Eyebright

  9. That is very lovely Rebekah! Is that your first? Wow! Go to my blog and read my latest post. You will see the dress I recently made.

  10. I love that dress!
    I made myself one of those last Christmas and loved it as well.
    I am planing on making a blouse for myself using that pattern. I have a couple friends who did it and I really like the way it looks!

  11. Hello Rebekah!

    I have been SO blessed by your blog and have been on it for a couple of hours, reading your archives and all...I must have read back almost to the beginning...I think? :) I really don't even know. Thank you so much for keeping this blog. I guarantee it is a blessing to many young women -- myself included!

    And by the way, that is a very pretty dress you made! I love the fabric!! I am just getting into real sewing...I say real, because actually I've been sewing since about 5...I used to love making little doll clothes and stuffed animal "capes" and all that kind of stuff. My favorite thing to make was little parents have a ton of them...little keepsakes ;)

    I have been very intrigued especially by your posts on modesty, and reading all the responses and your responses back! Very interesting! I pretty much agree with everything you said. I too am a full-time "skirty" ;) and I love it!

    At any rate, feel free to visit my blog and leave a comment or two...I've added you to my "keep up with" list! :) Looking forward to more posts!


  12. As I said on Sunday, I love it, love it, love it!!:)

  13. How pretty!

    I saw that sale at Joanns and bought 30 patterns! (Mom got 10, I got 10, Kristen got 10 and they both gave theirs to me.) I think I might have got the same one you made. :)


  14. Oh, and may I link to you? I found you through

  15. I'd be honored if you linked to me, Heather! Thanks for asking! :)

  16. What a beautiful dress! I have always wanted to make a regency-style dress for myself but have never really gotten to sewing one. Thank you for posting the photo!

    PS: Your website is very nice! This is the first time I have visited it and I am impressed ....

  17. Very lovely! :) You did a wonderful job!!! :)


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.