
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Young Maiden's Daybook Entry #4!

As you can see, I am a day late in posting this! :( I was attempting to post it yesterday, but blogger wasn't allowing me to post the pictures for some reason. I'm sorry for the delay, but hope you enjoy! :)

Today is… Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

Outside my window…is a view of the beautiful, calm blue sky the Lord has richly blessed us with today.

I am thinking…about all the countless article ideas I have floating around in my head(and when I'll be able to finally write them all!), and what a desperate situation of judgment this country finds itself in as it drifts farther and farther away from God's Word! Christians, it is high time for us to stand up and teach this lost and dying world the truths of God's Word, the Bible!

I am thankful for…the freedom we still enjoy in this country, although it is quickly diminishing and will continue to unless we Christians do something about it, and actually take the Dominion Mandate and Great Commission seriously!

I am wearing…my ankle length denim skirt and a green top.

I am reading… many books at once, of course. ;) They include: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, Beloved Bride: The Letters of Stonewall Jackson to His Wife by Bill Potter, God and Government Vol. 3 by Gary DeMar, Waiting for Her Isaac(for the second time!) by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Castleberry, Marriage to a Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards by Elisabeth Dodds, Systematic Theology by Robert Duncan Culver(I'm studying this with Daddy), and The Potter's Freedom: A Defense of the Reformation and a Rebuttal of Norman Geisler's Chosen But Free by James White. The past couple weeks have not provided me with much time for reading anything apart from books I'm reading for my education(although, all books we read educate us, of course, but I was referring to those I'm specifically reading for homeschool! :))-that's why this list looks pretty much the same week after week. As for what books I'm reading in the Bible: 2nd Corinthians, Psalms and Proverbs(among other various passages).

I am creating… this blog post :) and the Special Announcement post I referred to in my last daybook entry! I can't wait to share with you my news! :)

One of my favorite things…the fellowship meals at my church! :) What fun, blessed times we enjoy together as a likeminded church family! I'm very thankful for these times and for the close, loving family the Lord has placed us into.

For education this week… government/history, theology, writing and literature, consumer math, Apologia chemistry, growing in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

A keeper at home skill I am using/learning...sewing (especially sewing special little somethings that I will speak of in my annoucement post! :))

A spiritual lesson I’m learning…the importance of using every moment of every day for God's glory and the furthering of His Kingdom.

A godly character trait I plan to work on…patience and humility!! I'm really lacking in these areas.

Scripture I am memorizing… Proverbs 31:10-31; Daddy had us memorize-as a family-2 Corinthians 5:17 and Galatians 2:20(KJV) last week. This week he is leading us in memorizing Romans 12:1 and John 14:21(KJV). I'm enjoying this very much, and am thankful that my dear father is helping us to hide God's Word in our hearts!

I am praying for… Various family and church requests, and that the Lord would burden me with just how lost the world is and just how little time I have on this earth to reach it for Christ.

For the rest of the week… I plan to be writing for this blog, Lord willing. I have school, will(Lord willing) be responding to the numerous blog comments and e-mails that I haven't gotten around to yet, will be busy caring for my family, attending a baby shower on Friday for a lady in our church, etc.

A picture I’d like to share… is this:

I encourage you to memorize this! It's a truth that we should meditate on day and night.

God bless you!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Vision Forum Father Daughter Retreat 2009!!

I am so excited that this years retreat will be here soon! Daddy and I have had such a fun, blessed time at the past two retreats, and are so looking forward to this one!

I was wondering: will any of my readers be attending the retreat this year? If so, maybe we could meet! It would be such a blessing to meet some of you likeminded ladies, so please send me an e-mail or leave me a comment to let me know if you'll be there!

Registration is still available, so click here for more info on the retreat, and to join in on the discipleship, edification, special father daughter time, and fun!

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Young Maiden's Daybook Entry #3!

Today is… Monday, February 16th, 2009 (I can't believe we're already half way through February!!)

Outside my window…the sun is shining beautifully!

I am thinking…about all the countless article ideas I have floating around in my head!

I am thankful for…this day that the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it! :)

I am wearing…my ankle length denim skirt and an aqua colored top.

I am reading… many books at once, of course. ;) They include: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, Beloved Bride: The Letters of Stonewall Jackson to His Wife by Bill Potter, God and Government Vol. 3 by Gary DeMar, Jeff McLean: His Courtship(for the second time!) by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Castleberry, Marriage to a Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards by Elisabeth Dodds, Systematic Theology by Robert Duncan Culver(I'm studying this with Daddy), and The Potter's Freedom: A Defense of the Reformation and a Rebuttal of Norman Geisler's Chosen But Free by James White. As for what books I'm reading in the Bible: Hebrews, Psalms and Proverbs(among other various passages).

I am creating… this blog post :) and some other special somethings that I can't tell you all about yet! ;) Special annoucement post coming soon!

One of my favorite things…loaves of homemade bread...yum! :)

For education this week… government/history, theology, writing and literature, consumer math, Apologia chemistry

A keeper at home skill I am using/learning...cutting out and using coupons

A spiritual lesson I’m learning…the huge importance of praying without ceasing!

A godly character trait I plan to work on… being more discreet and quiet!

Scripture I am memorizing… Proverbs 31:10-31; also, Daddy is coming up with various Scriptures that he wants us to memorize as a family. We'll be memorizing approximately 2 passages per week. I'm not sure which ones he will have us start on, though! I'm really looking forward to this! :)

I am praying for… Various family and church requests, and that the Lord would make me into true salt and light in this dark, lost world. I pray that His hand would be on me, and that He would use me in amazing ways for His glory and the furtherance of His Kingdom.

For the rest of the week… I plan to be writing for this blog, Lord willing. I have school, will(Lord willing) be responding to the numerous blog comments and e-mails that I haven't gotten around to yet, will be busy caring for my family, helping to plan a baby shower for a lady in our church :), etc.

A picture I’d like to share… is this:

This beautiful photo makes me think of Jane Austen's books(and their movie adaptations!). How I would have loved to live in that era, enjoying long walks along the countryside, wearing beautiful gowns, etc. What bliss! :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Beautiful Valentine's Day Celebration!

I originally posted this article for the first time last Valentine's Day. I'm posting it again this year in the hopes that it will serve to be an encouragement and blessing to all of you!

This post is dedicated to all of those dear and precious ladies who are committed to complete purity and chastity. You ladies may find yourselves "alone" by the world's standards on this Valentine's Day, but I hope this post encourages you and lifts your spirits, by showing you that the true Lover of your Souls is right by your side on this holiday! I hope that you will all join with me, and will dedicate this Valentine's Day to the Lord and His glory, honor and praise!
God has placed in the heart of every maiden the longing desire to meet her Prince Charming, to be pursued by Him, and to then ride off with him into the sunset to his castle, where she will forever be loved, protected, provided for, and cherished. This is a beautiful and wonderful desire created by God Himself. But Valentine's Day only intensifies this desire all the more, and the images of red and pink hearts, of couples holding hands and going on dates, only brings to mind yet again the reality that because you're a maiden committed to courtship and complete purity, you won't be celebrating Valentine's Day with a special someone as "everyone else" will. You may begin to feel sorry for yourself, thinking that simply because you have no "special someone" this Valentine's Day, that you're somehow all alone. But there's something you must remember, dear maiden: as a Christian, you already have something that countless girls and young women only dream about and wish they had-a perfect, fulfilling, everlasting, true love. As a Christian maiden, your true Knight in Shining Armor and Prince Charming has already come and swept you off your feet! The Prince of Peace and King of Kings has pursued you relentlessly, is jealous for your full attention and dedication, is enthralled by your beauty, has showered you with His amazing love, and will one day escort you to His beautiful castle-the Mansion in Heaven that He's furnished just for you, His own precious treasure. There, you will forever be in His divine, loving presence. You, dear sister in Christ, have already been pursued by the most complete and wonderful love to ever be found-a true and perfect love that will undoubtedly last forever and ever. Only His love is able to fulfill the deepest desires of your heart, and true satisfaction comes only from Him being #1 in your life.

Ladies, don't allow this Valentine's Day to slip by. Don't discontentedly waste your time on Valentine's Day by feeling sorry for yourself and by idlely pining away for your future spouse. Instead, dedicate Valentine's Day this year to the deepening of your relationship with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the lover of your soul. Celebrate this holiday by doing everything in your power to make your relationship with Him deeper and more intimate. Make today a Valentine's Day to remember by spending it in a rendezvous with the King.

So, how about it, maidens? Will you join me this Valentine's Day, with the commitment to dedicate it to the deepening of your love and adoration for the Lord and to the strengthening of your relationship with Him? I wholeheartedly pray that you will, and that this Valentine's Day therefore becomes a day to remember and cherish always. I encourage you to begin planning now what you will do throughout the day to show the Lord how much you love Him. The following is a group of ideas to get you started:

  • Compose a letter of love and thanksgiving to your Savior.

  • Spend time in deep conversation with Him.

  • Spend time alone with your Lord in a special place just for the two of you and read the Bible-the Lord's precious love letter to you, and enjoy drinking in the beautiful truths to be discovered in this wonderful Book.

  • Find little ways to please Him by serving others today (perhaps by baking your family some special Valentine's cookies or by volunteering to babysit your siblings so that your parents can go on a special Valentine's Day date).

  • Be diligent and creative to find other little special ways to please Him and to show Him your love.

  • Memorize verses of God's Word that tell of His immense love for you.

  • Sing praises to Him.

May the Lord richly bless you, dear ladies, and may this Valentine's Day prove to be one of the most special and precious days of your life-a day dedicated to the worship and adoration of the Lord! :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Young Maiden's Daybook Entry #2!

My dear new friend from the blog world, Alexandra, began this fun meme, and has chosen that those who participate do so on Mondays(if at all possible!). So, from now on, that's when I'll be posting mine! :) Enjoy(and please participate!!) Today is… Monday, February 2nd, 2009 (wow-February already!!)

Outside my window… the sun is shining brightly.

I am thinking… that I'm glad Alexandra came up with this meme! :)

I am thankful for… the amazing snow we had earlier today! Living in southern Tennessee, we don't get snow very much at all, but today for a while we had a beautiful, consistent snow fall. It didn't stick to the ground, but it was beautiful to watch the snowglobe scene unside our windows! :) Thank you for Your mercy, Lord!

I am wearing… a cream color sweater with a blue and cream long peasant-style, tiered skirt

I am reading… many books at once, of course. ;) They include: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, Beloved Bride: The Letters of Stonewall Jackson to His Wife by Bill Potter, God and Government Vol. 3 by Gary DeMar, Jeff McLean: His Courtship(for the second time!) by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Castleberry, Marriage to a Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards by Elisabeth Dodds, Systematic Theology by Robert Duncan Culver(I'm studying this with Daddy), and The Potter's Freedom: A Defense of the Reformation and a Rebuttal of Norman Geisler's Chosen But Free by James White. As for what books I'm reading in the Bible: Ephesians and Psalms(among other various passages).

I am creating… this blog post :) and, with God's guidance, I'm continuing to work on my 2009 Mission Statement for this blog!

One of my favorite things… little puppies!

For education this week… government/history, theology, writing and literature, consumer math, Apologia chemistry

A keeper at home skill I am using/learning… one of my favorite and baking!! :)

A spiritual lesson I’m learning… the huge importance of diligently studying God's Word every day.

A godly character trait I plan to work on… being more discreet and quiet!

Scripture I am memorizing… Proverbs 31:10-31

I am praying for… Various family and church requests, and that the Lord would make me into true salt and light in this dark, lost world

For the rest of the week… I plan to be writing for this blog, Lord willing. I have school, will babysit my sweet brother Andrew while Mama's at her gastroenterologist appointment on Wednesday, and I will(Lord willing) be responding to the numerous blog comments and e-mails that I haven't gotten around to yet, etc. Busy, busy, busy!! :)

A picture I’d like to share… is this :

I love that beautiful garden area, and that dress is delightfully feminine and so, so pretty!

If you'd like to participate in this meme(and I hope you do!), please click here!