
Monday, February 16, 2009

A Young Maiden's Daybook Entry #3!

Today is… Monday, February 16th, 2009 (I can't believe we're already half way through February!!)

Outside my window…the sun is shining beautifully!

I am thinking…about all the countless article ideas I have floating around in my head!

I am thankful for…this day that the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it! :)

I am wearing…my ankle length denim skirt and an aqua colored top.

I am reading… many books at once, of course. ;) They include: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, Beloved Bride: The Letters of Stonewall Jackson to His Wife by Bill Potter, God and Government Vol. 3 by Gary DeMar, Jeff McLean: His Courtship(for the second time!) by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Castleberry, Marriage to a Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards by Elisabeth Dodds, Systematic Theology by Robert Duncan Culver(I'm studying this with Daddy), and The Potter's Freedom: A Defense of the Reformation and a Rebuttal of Norman Geisler's Chosen But Free by James White. As for what books I'm reading in the Bible: Hebrews, Psalms and Proverbs(among other various passages).

I am creating… this blog post :) and some other special somethings that I can't tell you all about yet! ;) Special annoucement post coming soon!

One of my favorite things…loaves of homemade bread...yum! :)

For education this week… government/history, theology, writing and literature, consumer math, Apologia chemistry

A keeper at home skill I am using/learning...cutting out and using coupons

A spiritual lesson I’m learning…the huge importance of praying without ceasing!

A godly character trait I plan to work on… being more discreet and quiet!

Scripture I am memorizing… Proverbs 31:10-31; also, Daddy is coming up with various Scriptures that he wants us to memorize as a family. We'll be memorizing approximately 2 passages per week. I'm not sure which ones he will have us start on, though! I'm really looking forward to this! :)

I am praying for… Various family and church requests, and that the Lord would make me into true salt and light in this dark, lost world. I pray that His hand would be on me, and that He would use me in amazing ways for His glory and the furtherance of His Kingdom.

For the rest of the week… I plan to be writing for this blog, Lord willing. I have school, will(Lord willing) be responding to the numerous blog comments and e-mails that I haven't gotten around to yet, will be busy caring for my family, helping to plan a baby shower for a lady in our church :), etc.

A picture I’d like to share… is this:

This beautiful photo makes me think of Jane Austen's books(and their movie adaptations!). How I would have loved to live in that era, enjoying long walks along the countryside, wearing beautiful gowns, etc. What bliss! :)


  1. Dear Rebekah,

    This is fun having you post every week. I can't wait for the special announcement post.

    I did the daybook, too. Please go take a look.


  2. Hi, Lulu! :)

    Thanks so much for your sweet comments. It's always such a joy to hear from you!! And, I'm so happy to hear that you did the daybook!! I can't wait to check it out.

    And, thanks for your excitement regarding the special announcement! :) I can't wait to share that with you!

    Have a blessed day, dear friend!


    P.S. Thank you for your kindness! It is so nice to finally be posting more; oh, how I had missed it!!


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.