
Monday, April 13, 2009

A Young Maiden's DayBook Entry #8!

Has it really been almost a month since I posted anything on my blog? Oh, how the time flies!

Just two days after my last daybook post, my grandmother called to tell us that she would be here in two days(on that Friday). That sort of caught us by surprise, so we had to scurry around preparing for her visit. She was here through that Sunday, March 22nd. Then, from Monday the 23rd through Thursday the 26th, we had to scurry around to prepare for the 2009 Vision Forum Father and Daughter Retreat(which, by the way, was amazing!!! A post with pics from the retreat will be coming soon!). We were at the retreat until Sunday afternoon, March 29th. Daddy and I had numerous great and much needed conversations while there, which left us with only 4 hours of sleep Friday night and 4 hours of sleep Saturday night. :) So, needless to say, we had to catch up on sleep when we returned home! This, of course, messed up my days a little, so there was some time needed to get us back on track. The past couple weeks have been very busy and I've been wanting to post for quite sometime, but the opportunity never really arose until now. I'm sorry for the lack of posting lately, but thank you for the patient understanding! :)

And now, without further ado, here is this week's DayBook entry!
Today is… Monday, April 13th, 2009

Outside my window... is a hanging pot of beautiful pink flowers.

I am wearing.... a short sleeved denim shirt with a multi-colored peasant style skirt.p>

I am reading… many books at once, of course. ;) They include: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, Beloved Bride: The Letters of Stonewall Jackson to His Wife by Bill Potter, Marriage to a Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards by Elisabeth Dodds(I've actually taken a short break on these three books, as I've been so busy with school reading lately!), God and Government Vol. 3: The Restoration of the Republic by Gary DeMar, The Justification of God: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 9:1-23 by John Piper, How to Be a Lady: Useful Hints on the Formation of Character by Harvey Newcomb(this book is from 1850!), Systematic Theology by Robert Duncan Culver(I'm studying this with Daddy),etc. Daddy is currently reading to us The Genesis Record by the late Dr. Henry Morris, founder of ICR; Spurgeon: A New Biography by Arnold Dallimore(he reads this to us on Tuesday nights; this is the really great book that the men and sons of our church are currently discussing at their Wednesday night meetings) and Scetches from Church History: An Illustrated Account of 20 Centuries of Christ's Power by S.M. Houghton(available through the Banner of Truth Trust). Daddy reads this to us on Saturday evenings, in preparation for the discussion on it during our Sunday meeting with the Church.

As for what books I'm reading in the Bible: Romans, Genesis and Proverbs(among other various individual passages).

I am creating… my blog's 2009 Mission Statement. The Lord continues to expand my vision for this blog, so the writing of this mission statement has been (and will probably continue to be for some time) expanded! I hope to see it finished very soon, though! :)

One of my favorite things…. Vision Forum Father and Daughter Retreats!

For education this week… government/history, theology, writing and literature, consumer math, Apologia chemistry, valuable homemaking and motherhood skills, growing in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

A keeper at home skill I am using/learning... using sales ads and coupons at the grocery store! :)

A spiritual lesson I’m learning… We must be careful to redeem our time faithfully, for the days are evil. If we don't, we are stealing from God, for the time He blesses us with is really His!

A godly character trait I plan to work on…diligence!! Whether this applies to when I'm cleaning the bathtub, doing schoolwork, or attempting to redeem my time wisely, I desperately need to learn diligence!

Scripture I am memorizing… Daddy is having us dedicate this week to reviewing our first 14 verses.

I am praying for… Various family and church requests, prayer for God's guidance as to how this blog will be arranged and led this year, His guidance as to some writing projects that I feel He has laid on my heart-I pray that He would truly reveal His will to me. Comfort for a lady in our church who recently miscarried, and health and strength for two ladies who will be giving birth soon. Prayer for this nation!

For the rest of the week… I plan to be writing for this blog, Lord willing. I have school, will(Lord willing) be responding to the numerous blog comments and e-mails that I haven't been able to answer yet, will be busy caring for my family, deepening my relationship with the Lord, furthering my education, a church social on Saturday(if it doesn't rain!!), etc.

A picture I’d like to share… is this:

This picture of my beautiful mother, Angela, very handsome, manly brother, Andrew(he's just growing up so fast!), and me was taken by Daddy on Sunday. It was really bright; sorry for the squinty eyes! ;)

To participate in the Daybook fun, click here!


  1. You all look so nice! And I really loved your hair on Sunday! It was very pretty.

    Have a great week, and I hope to see you and your family on Saturday!


  2. I just reread you post again, and wanted to thank you for praying for our Mother-Dearest as she is so close to delivering! Everyone is super excited, and we really appreciate your prayers as the time draws closer!

    Have a blessed afternoon,


  3. Hello! This is my first time to your blog, but as I was reading past posts, I felt the urdge to follow your blog! you are running a great one!

  4. That is a really nice picture of you, your mom, and your brother.

  5. Your day seemed like a lovely one! I've come to see that your always noticing the beautiful things in this earth that God made for us! I'm trying harder to do that every day! you help alot.

    Trying to comment more,

  6. Hannah,

    Thank you for that sweet compliment! :) I appreciate it! I'm wanting to experiment with different hairdos, as I'm sort of bored with my hair just being down all the time with nothing interesting. :)

    You're welcome. We pray that her labor and delivery will go smoothly and quickly! :)

    Can't wait to see you tomorrow! It should be fun.



    Thank you so much for your kindness, Lauren Ann! Your comment was so encouraging! I'm so happy you stopped by and decided to follow By His Grace and For His Glory. May I ask how you discovered it? I always love to hear how my readers found me! :) I look forward to hearing more from you in the future! If there's ever a subject that you would like to have me write an article on, let me know-I'm always open to suggestions!! This blog is all about being a service and ministry to its readers!

    Blessings through Christ,
    Miss Rebekah



    Thank you! :) You're very kind. I just noticed that you're now following my blog. That's great! I hope it will be a great blessing to you!

    Have a blessed day!


    Dearest Haleigh,

    I was so thrilled to see that you had commented! :) And what a sweet comment it was! I really appreciated what you said about my noticing God's beautiful creation. I didn't really do that years ago. I was always thinking about me, me, me and what I needed or wanted to do, that I didn't stop to take the time to discover God's beautiful creation and to thank Him and praise Him for it. I'm so thankful the Lord changed me, and that this is evidant in what I write. Praise Him! :) I love His handiwork! I have about 50 photos of sunsets on my camera. I also have pictures of flowers, bugs(yes, bugs! :)), etc. The Lord has taught me that His creation really is too wonderful to not take the time to observe and take interest in it. It's also dishonoring to Him for me to not be thankful for it. If I'm able to help you in your mission to notice His creation more, then praise God! That's encouraging! :) I'm always here for you, Haleigh, to help and encourage you in any way I can! :) By the way, our phone call the other night was SO encouraging. I just love talking to you, and every time I do I grow in the Lord. Thank you for being such an uplifting and Christ-like friend! :)

    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

    Can't wait to receive more comments from you! :)

    Blessings through Him,
    Rebekah or "Meg"

  7. I'm overwhelmed with the blessings the Lord is showering upon me right now! I have such awesome friends!


  8. :) God is so good, Haleigh! Having close friends in the Lord is one of His best gifts!

  9. I agree! I am coming to notice more and more how all the little things He chooses to bless us with make this life here on earth so much sweeter!

    Blessed, Amy

  10. That's so true. We must learn to keep our eyes open each and every day for the multiple blessings He sends our way. He truly is too good to us, isn't He?

  11. Dear Rebekah,

    I really like the picture of you and your mom and brother.

    It must have been nice to have your grandmother come for a visit. My grandma should be coming sometime in May for a visit. It may be the last time we get to see her as she cannot travel very easily and a six hour flight for our family would be a bit expensive. My other grandma could be moving here very soon. We are so excited.

    I am glad to see you back online. I missed your posts!


  12. LuLu,

    Thank you so much for your kind words! You're such a sweet friend! :) It was so great to hear from you again!

    I'm so happy to hear about you and your grandmothers! That's wonderful. I will be leaving to visit my other grandma in May, and I am really, really looking forward to it; we are definitely kindred spirits! :) I will be seeing my great-grandmothers in May also, which will be such a wonderful blessing!

    I'm sorry to hear that that may be the last time you see your grandmother in a while! Make the visit truly meaningful while you have this special time together!

    Have a wonderful evening,


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.