
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Beautiful Portrait of the Father Daughter Relationship

The following are the lyrics to a new song from Point of Grace entitled, King of the World. It's a beautiful picture of the joy, love and delightful times that can be had through the precious father daughter relationship. It also stresses the importance of never taking our time with our Daddies for granted! Time goes by so very fast, and before we know it, we'll all (Lord willing) have homes and families of our own-we will be living with our dear fathers no longer. So take every moment of every day as a young maiden in your father's household and make the absolute most of it with your father, who is your God-given protector, provider and leader at this time of your life as an unmarried daughter. All of our fathers are no doubt imperfect, but we musn't allow their short comings to blind us into dishonoring them, ignoring them, pushing them away, or disrespecting them. By doing so, we would miss out on some of the most precious memories of our lives. So, drink in the lyrics of this beautiful song and then run and give your Daddy a big hug and a bright smile! :)

King of the World

Spinning around on the tops of his feet
smile of the angels could not be so sweet
wide blue eyes and piggy tail swirls
she's her daddy's girl
'cause he knows the jokes that always make her laugh
takes her for ice cream instead of her nap
at the end of the day by the light of the moon
they turn up the music in their living room
and she yells,

"dance me, dance me around till my feet don't ever touch down
there's nothing better than being your girl and if i am your
princess then daddy you are the king of the world"

its funny how life moves in circles of time to think so long ago
that face was mine houses get smaller we take different names
but some things in life stay the same
"dance me, dance me around till my feet don't ever touch down
there's nothing better than being your girl and if i am your
princess then daddy you are the king of the world

some day she'll go off and find a life of her own and marry a good
man and make a happy home until she comes back and sees with
those same eyes what time can not disguse she walks through
the door with that look on her face cuz daddy's brown hair has
all turned to gray they talk for hours they cry and they laugh
watchin' old movies and thinkin' back time goes by just as she turns to go she
says hey, daddy, how 'bout one for the road

dance me, dance me around till my feet don't ever touch down

dance me, dance me around till my feet dont ever touch down cuz theres nothing better than being your girl oh theres nothing better than being your girl and if i am your princess than daddy you are the king of the worldking of the worldsmile of the angels could not be so sweet

Friday, June 26, 2009

Updates and Thank Yous!

Hello, all! I hope the Lord is blessing you greatly this week.

I would like to begin by sincerely thanking each and every one of you that have voted on the polls on the right side of your screen. Thank you for letting your voice be heard, and for helping me in my research process. For those of you who have not yet voted, please do! I would like to encourage you to vote in each of the polls to your right.

Secondly, it's time for some updates. As I said when I first posted the polls, once the days for voting have run out, I will begin posting articles in my stay-at-home daughterhood article series, after which I will open a new poll to see how the results may change after the release of my series. Research and reading for my series is currently being conducted. I don't want this series to just be a presentation of someone's opinion. I want it to be a thoroughly researched and studied coverage of a beautiful theology that I believe is close to the heart of God and is revealed in beautiful words and through beautiful pictures in the Word of Almighty God, the Bible. I'm seeking the wisdom and knowledge of those who are older and wiser than I who also love this doctrine and have researched it and believed in it far longer than I have.

Please pray that the Lord would have His hand on the writing of this series and that He would richly bless it and use it to open the eyes of many people to the precious truths of His Word.

Also, please begin sending your questions in on the subject of stay-at-home daughterhood, as one of the last installments of this series will be a Q & A session between all of you and me. Also, Lord willing, I will be posting interviews will other godly ladies of the faith who have a heartfelt love for the doctrine of stay-at-home daughterhood. If the Lord wills, this set of interviews will include interviews from daughters who are still unmarried in their father's homes and also ones from married ladies who have already made the transition from living in their father's homes to living in their husband's homes. I'm really excited about these articles and am sure you will be as well!

I'm really looking forward to the publishing of these articles on By His Grace and For His Glory. But I am very well aware of the fact that I can only do this work through the strength of Christ and by His grace, as His servant. I pray that all the glory would go to Him and Him alone.

To God be the glory, great things He hast done!

May you feel His presence this weekend and always.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No, readers, I have not forgotten about you!!

Hello, all! :)

I just returned last Monday (June 1st) from a wonderful trip visiting family. I left on May 9th, and so was gone for a little over 3 weeks. It was my intention to prepare some posts prior to leaving so that they could be scheduled to be published while I was gone, but, as you can see, I was unable to do so. The time leading up to my trip was filled with studying for tests, packing, etc. It was a busier time than I thought it would be, so time for blogging was nonexistent!

I missed you all, and I greatly missed writing for this blog! My trip, though, was wonderful. I went to Indiana to visit my great-grandparents, great-uncle and various other family members and then traveled down to Arkansas to visit my grandmother. We all had a wonderful time, and the Lord taught me so much during this trip-some of which I hope to be sharing with you soon! I'm so thankful the Lord allowed me to have this time with my family. It was so special. Let me encourage you all to never ever take a moment with your family(especially those members who are getting up in years) for granted! The Lord, through this trip, showed me yet again just how short life is, and the fact that I don't know how much longer I have with my grandparents. Life is so precious and musn't be taken for granted. Rather, live every moment of every day to the fullest for His glory!!

Last week was very busy as we tried to get back into the swing of things after our vacation, and so far, this week is no different! I'm currently making a lot of tea cozies for a sale our local homeschool group is putting on this weekend. I'm greatly looking forward to it, but preparation for it is keeping me rather busy!

I must go now, but pray that all is well with each one of you! God bless you richly this week!