
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thank you, followers! :)

I'm always so excited to discover that new people have decided to follow this blog. I was amazed when I discovered through the course of one of my most recent polls, that during the time the poll was open, over 70 new people had visited this site. Praise the Lord! That's exciting. :)

I would love to get to know you better, so would you please leave a comment telling a little bit about yourself and describing how you came across By His Grace and For His Glory?

Thank you, readers, for being so interested in this blog! I'm so thankful for everyone who links to me, follows this blog, and takes the time to read these posts. It's quite a blessing to serve you through Christ. I pray that this site would be a great blessing to each of you!


  1. Hi, I'm a homeschool mom. My oldest daughter will be graduating this school year and we are trying to wrap our minds around this idea of her not leaving home. So just typed a simple search and I found this blog.We just watched a film called Daughters returning home...Are you familiar with that? I believe its put out by vision forum. Well thank you for being an encouragement. God Bless, Hilda

  2. I don't remember how I first found your blog, but I've enjoyed reading it ever since then! My name is Jessica, I'm 18 and the 2nd oldest of 11 children. Although I've already studied much of what you're covering in your stay-at-home daughterhood series, it has immensely blessed and encouraged me to read someone elses writing on the subject! Thanks so much :) Keep it up!
    ps. I also have your blog link on my blog Seasons of a Heart...

  3. Hi! I found you through Stay-at-Home Daughters online magazine when they had your first part of your Stay-at-Home Daughters article. I liked that so much, that I began following your blog. I am a 24-year-old SAHD, a homeschool graduate. Even though I am from a large family, I often have trouble finding meaningful things to do at home, as our youngest children are now a little older, doing chores themselves and not needing much supervision. I am looking forward to your continued articles on SAHDaughterhood. Thank you for serving the Lord and his daughters by your blog.


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.