
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Busyness and Thank-Yous! :)

Hello, everyone! How are you? Did you all enjoy a beautiful and memorable Christmas with your families? I sure hope so! I also pray that through the joys and fun of decorating, making Christmas cookies and candies, wrapping gifts, unwrapping gifts :), etc., we remembered the greatest and sadly, most overlooked gift of all-our merciful Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who came to earth, died and rose again that we might have everlasting life. Glory be to God!

I'm sure all of you are just as busy as the rest of us, and are feeling as if time is simply flying by! That's the way we've been feeling lately! :) As you've all probably noticed, I'm taking a break from the stay-at-home daughterhood article series right now, due to this busy Christmas season, along with the fact that we will soon be out of town visiting family in Arkansas and our old home state of Texas. For these reasons, there will not be a stay-at-home daughterhood article posted until Friday, January 15. So, mark your calenders now and be sure to join us for the continuation of this series! If you have been unable to read the past articles, I encourage you to do so now during this little break from the series!

I now want to publicly thank some dear young women who have supported me in amazing ways. I have been so very, very blessed by ladies who have read my article series and who are posting about it on their sites, in the hopes of telling more and more people about it, so that they can read it, too. That means so much to me, and I therefore what to publicly mention the three that have done so and encourage you to learn from their great website ministries, as well!

The first young woman to link to my series was Erica over at A Still Small Voice. Miss Erica is such a sweet young woman with a great website! :) I have benefitted greatly from her writings since I first came across her site when she mentioned that she had linked to me, and I'm sure you will, as well. Please go take a look at her site! And, Erica, thank you so much for linking to me; that was sweet of you!

A huge thank you to Miss Courtney and Miss Katie from Stay-at-home Daughters! This is a really awesome site owned by two wonderful young women who are dedicated to being godly daughters. I was so blessed to discover that they had posted about my series on their site. Please go take a look at their great work!

Last, but by no means least, Miss Sarah Kanz, a 33 year old stay-at-home daughter, deserves a big thank-you. She, too, has supported my series in a special way. I have learned so much from Sarah since I came across her site via Stay-at-Home Daughters a couple months back, and I am thrilled to say that she will be joining us near the end of this series. She has agreed to be interviewed and to impart to us the wisdom she has aquired through her years as a joyful and faithful stay-at-home daughter.

Again, thank you so much, ladies, for spreading the news about my series! May the Lord greatly bless each one of you!

And, thank you readers, for sticking with me every step of the way. May God bless you with a wonderful New Year!

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to you giving us more of the series...and you'll come back so close to my birthday that it will give me something to look forward to for my birthday! :-)


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.