As I'm sure some of you have been wondering, graduation went wonderfully! :) It was such a special weekend for me, my family, and friends from church (3 of whom I was able to graduate with!). I was able to watch the video yesterday for the first time, which was very bittersweet, as I so enjoyed seeing the events of the weekend, but was also sad realizing that those days are gone. Having said that, though, I'm looking forward to the future, eagerly anticipating what the Lord has in store for me! I must say, it is such a joy to have graduated, because now I will have much more time to dedicate to this blog ministry than was otherwise possible before.
With all that said, I will be unable to answer the comments I've received recently until after I return from Indiana on June 8th. I'm really looking forward to addressing the great questions I've received and to better explaining where I'm coming from in certain areas and topics of discussion.
Until then, may the Lord be with you and bless you!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Busyness of Life......
An Ending and a New Beginning......
As you have all noticed, I have been absent from the blogosphere the past couple weeks. As most of you know, I will be a homeschool graduate in just under two weeks. :) As exciting as this is, it has also led to my life being a blur of activities and busyness, thus necessitating a blogging hiatus. For example, the stay-at-home daughterhood article series has had to experience a break, as is only fair when the thinking, researching, writing, editing, etc. that needs to go into such a project simply cannot be.
The past few weeks have been filled with primarily a lot of studying for final tests, but also chorale practices for graduation, the sending out of announcements/invitations, the compiling of pictures, and the like have also all been included. With a schedule like this, I simply could not devote the time and thought to the series that it deserves. And so, while I miss writing the series, I knew that the only fair thing for all of you would be to take a break until I can more fully dedicate my mind and time to the series at hand.
Following graduation (which is Sat. the 22nd), we will be, on Fri. the 28th, leaving for Indiana to visit our dear family again. For this reason, the stay-at-home daughterhood article series will not resume until Friday, June 11th, 2010. I'm looking forward to joining you all again, and thank you for your understanding.
I would covet your prayers during this exciting time of life as my time as a homeschooler, in some ways, passes away and my life as an actual stay-at-home daughter comes to fruition. God bless you!