
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How Very True!

"Feminism is mixed up with a muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands."
~G. K. Chesterton

Sunday, June 20, 2010

To my dear father.....

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!! I love you very much! :)



And a "Happy Father's Day!" to any other fathers who may read this....never underestimate the important part you play in the lives of your children! God bless you!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Photos from Indiana! :)

Mama, Daddy, Papa, me, and Andrew
Me with my Papa :)
I see you! :)
Photogrpahy by Andrew :)
The most beautiful weeds I've ever seen!
Nanny's lilies
When the sun shines on this, it just sparkles with color!
More of Nanny's beautiful flowers

Nanny's petunias 
Nanny and me :)
Me with Nanny and Papa (who have been married 70 years; they are an inspiration!)
Field across the street from Mammy's house. See the standing water? There was a strong storm one night while we were there, which resulted in many of the fields turning into lakes
Family photo!
With Mammy :) Look how tall Andrew's gotten!
Me with my Proverbs 31 role model, Mammy
Me with great-uncle Glen and great-grandma Mammy
Indiana has some beautiful sunsets!
Here's the after photo (sorry these pictures are a little out of order!)
Homemade pizza-a Mammy specialty! :)

Me rolling out homemade pizza dough for dinner
I caught her! ;)
Me and Daddy Indiana tradition!
The Shadoin men :)
Mama and her uncle
A little blurry....
How's this for a candid shot? :)
Mama got a little close with this one! :)
Me and my not-so-little brother
The family
This spider decided to take up residence on our van while we visited Nanny and Papa
More of Nanny's flowers....she has such beautiful flowers each year!

So sweet!
See the finch eating upside down?
Me and Nanny
Mammy's backyard...I love the beautiful Indiana farm scenes
What can I say? :)
We had a wonderful time together in Indiana a couple weeks ago. I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into our family vacation. :)