
Friday, July 30, 2010

My Week in Review.....

I'm amazed that yet another week has flown by so quickly! For me, this week contained (among other things!).....

  • Opening up a checking account.....I'm beginning to feel old! ;)
  • Responding to blog comments
  • Lots of reading! :)
  • Cooking
  • Planning a menu/ doing the required grocery shopping for a two week period
  • Coming up with what to make for our church's fellowship meal this Sunday
  • Grocery shopping/ fabric shopping for over 5 hours yesterday with Mama and Andrew! ;)
  • As always, going through sales ads and cutting out coupons
  • Listening to joyous music while going about daily home duties
  • Watching an hilarious old movie last night
  • Greatly enjoying cups of chamomile and lemongrass ginger tea! :)
  • Writing
  • Conducting Bible Study for a new article series coming up (in the research phase right now!)
  • Working for my home business 
  • Making calls for a local Chancellor campaign (and will go door-to-door campaigning with very dear friends of ours tomorrow!)
  • and much more!

What about you? Did you have an enjoyable week? I sure hope so! I'd love to hear about it, so feel free to share in the comments section how your week went!

May you all have a most blessed weekend!


  1. Dear Rebekah,
    I hope I am not repeating myself..but I am not sure if my first comment made it.

    I came across your blog and found it to be very refreshing..I have two young daughters and we are raising them, not in our wills but the Lords will. We go against the grain on this and are looked at as over bearing and control freaks when it comes to raising our children..this mainly coming from the professing Christians who have given themseleves over to the pressures of society.
    May the Lord continue to bless you in your journey of Virtue..
    I hope to visit with you again and hope you stop by at Pioneer Beauty some time.
    In Christ,

  2. Hi Rebekah!!
    Welcome back to the blogosphere!! I hadn't stopped by in a bout a week or so--just busy-- and was pleasantly surprised I had some reading to do!! :) 'Tis good to have you back my friend!! Looking forward to more posts!

    Oh, and I've got to say this was such a fun post to hear how you are using your time to become more of a virtuous woman!


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.