
Friday, October 29, 2010

Special Tea Cozy Christmas Sale Going on Now Through December 15th!

Watch the video for more info! :)


This is a special sale for my blog readers only! :)

Aaah....the Joys of Fall! :)

Yummy apple cider


The sound of leaves crunching beneath your feet


Hot tea on cool nights

The joys of a cool breeze on a nice sunny day

Beautiful golden, orange, yellow, and red leaves
These are some of the delightful characteristics of fall which make it my favorite season. What do you enjoy the most about fall? 

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Return of Meal Mondays is Here!! :) ~Orzo and Vegetable Pie~

About a year ago or so, I came across a really great healthy cooking cookbook that I absolutely love! I have tried several of the recipes and each time, I've been so pleased with the outcome. One of these great recipes is Orzo and Vegetable Pie, which is actually a vegetarian recipe. The only change I have made to it is instead of adding the mushrooms it calls for (not everyone in our family likes mushrooms!), I add a can of kidney beans instead. They add a great flavor and also some needed protein.

For some, this recipe may seem a little scary. ;) My mom, for example, doesn't usually care for zucchini. However, she loves this! So, I would encourage y'all to at least give this recipe a try; you may be surprised by how scrumptious it is! :)

Orzo and Vegetable Pie

2 medium-large zucchini, halved lengthwise and sliced 1/4in. thick (about 2 1/2 cups)

1 1/4 cups sliced fresh mushrooms (like I said above, we do a can of light red kidney beans; feel free to experiment with different kinds of beans, if you would like!)

1 cup diced plum tomatoes (about 3 medium)  ~This last time I made it, I just did a can of diced tomatoes instead!~

1 t crushed fresh garlic (or dried minced is fine, too!)

1 t dried Italian seasoning (or more if you'd like even more flavor! ;)  )

1/8 t ground black pepper

2 T grated Parmesan cheese

nonstick cooking spray (we use the olive oil kind)

1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese


8 oz. orzo pasta (about 1 cup) ~Orzo is a pasta that is similar to rice and can be found along with the other pastas at your local grocery store~

1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1 egg


 1. To make the crust, cook the orzo al dente according to package directions. Drain well (this is important, or else the crust will not set up well), and return to the pot. Add the Parmesan cheese and egg, and stir to mix well.

2. Coat a 9-in. deep dish pie pan with nonstick cooking spray, and place the orzo mixture in the pan. Using the back of a spoon, pat the mixture over the bottom and sides of the pan, forming an even crust. Set aside.

3. Coat a large nonstick skillet with nonstick cooking spray, and preheat over medium heat. Add the zucchini, mushrooms (or beans!), tomatoes, garlic, Italian seasoning, and pepper, and stir to mix. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 7 minutes, or until the zucchini is crisp-tender and the tomatoes are soft. Remove the cover, and cook for 3 additional minutes, or until most of the liquid has evaporated.

4. Spread the vegetable mixture evenly over the bottom of the crust, and sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese. Spray the exposed edges of the crust lightly with the cooking spray.

5. Bake uncovered at 400 F. (adjust to your oven, if needed) for 15 min., or until the dish is heated through and the top is lightly browned. Spread the mozzarella evenly over the vegetables, and bake for 5 additional minutes, or until the cheese has melted.

6.Remove the dish from the oven, and let sit for 5 minutes before cutting into wedges and serving. And last but not least, enjoy! :)

Yield: 6 servings

This serves as a great dish for lunch. Just pair with a nice salad or fresh bread or both! :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Return of Meal Mondays!

Some time ago, I posted a poll asking y'all what you would like to see more of here on By His Grace and For His Glory. Some of you voted for recipes, and following those votes I posted a poll asking what kind of recipes you would like to see here. Well, I am excited to announce the return of Meal Mondays! :) If you are new to By His Grace and For His Glory, then you do not know that some time ago, I did a weekly "column" so to speak, where I posted a recipe or two each Monday. The busyness of life and the procrastination that has plagued me since I was little (one of my vices I'm striving, by God's grace to overcome!) led to my not posting recipes regularly anymore. Well, I am happy to say that all of that will change this Monday! Starting this Monday, the 25th, I will be posting a new recipe(s) each successive Monday. And, if there is any kind of recipe in particular that you would like me to share, just drop me a line and let me know; I'd be happy to oblige! :)

Come on back Monday for the return of Meal Mondays!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I hope you all are enjoying this fall weather as much as I am! :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Time for Discussion

Today is our scheduled day for the next article in the stay-at-home daughterhood article series. I am going to do something a little different this Friday, though! I have been unable to work on an article the past two weeks due to working on a large tea cozy order from a lady opening up a tea room in California, working around the home doing tasks for Mama while she was sick, etc. So, instead of an article, I want to hear from you! :) So, here's what we're going to do. Leave a comment on one or all of the topics listed below. Looking forward to hearing from you; by God's grace, this will be a great discussion!

  • What have you learned so far during your reading of the articles in the stay-at-home daughterhood series?
  • What blessings have you received from being a stay-at-home daughter?
  • As a married woman who was a stay-at-home daughter, how did remaining at home until marriage prepare you for your life now as a married woman?
  • How did you come to embrace stay-at-home daughterhood?
  • Perhaps you do not agree with my stance on stay-at-home daughterhood. If not, why not and upon what do you base your beliefs?
  • Do you have any questions or concerns about stay-at-home daughterhood?
  • What are some myths regarding stay-at-home daughterhood that you would like to refute?
  • What other issue regarding stay-at-home daughterhood would you like to discuss?
Looking forward to your input! Have a blessed weekend, everyone!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Outstanding Quotes on the Topic of Standing Firm upon Biblical Truth

 Sadly, it is all too common in our day for people to shirk away from proclaiming and living Biblical truth because they are afraid to offend someone, to lose a friendship, to be thought of as weird or archaic, etc. How tragic! Take, for instance, what the great men Dr. Martin Luther and Mr. J.C. Ryle had to say on this topic:

"Cursed be any love or unity for whose sake the Word of God must be put at stake."

~Martin Luther

"To maintain pure truth in the church, we should be ready to make any sacrifice, to hazard peace, to risk dissension and run the chance of division."
~J.C. Ryle

How very true and very convicting, isn't it?