Hello, readers! I hope y'all had a most blessed Christmas season and are enjoying a delightful new year so far!
How sad it is that my first blog post of the year is all the way on January 21st! My blog has been rather silent as of late, hasn't it? Well, I can assure you there are reasons for that! And it is my prayer that the wait will be well worth it now that the stay-at-home daughterhood article series is back up and running!
Today for the series, we're doing something a little different. About a month ago, a dear sister in Christ, Elizabeth, contacted me about doing an interview with me for her blog. Needless to say, I was delighted and honored that she would want to take the time to interview me. Shortly after that, she sent me a list of excellent questions, and it was a joy to ponder each one and pray about what the Lord would have me to say. Today, I am pleased to present Part 1 of this interview. My heart's prayer is that it would be a blessing and encouragement to you young ladies as you seek to follow Christ with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. God bless you!
JJ4J: Could you please share a little about yourself and your current interests?
Rebekah: First, let me just thank you, Elizabeth, for asking to interview me. I’m honored that you would even take the time to write out these questions. My prayer is that the Lord would use what I say here to be a great blessing and encouragement to the young ladies who read it.
I am an 18 year old homeschool graduate loving life at home with my family in Tennessee. Since graduating high school in May, I have really enjoyed having more time to pursue many different interests including advancing my home business, studying history and God’s Word in a more in-depth manner, serving my friends and family, working on a devotional book project, learning new homemaking skills, taking over meal duties for our family for an entire month (and learning how to stick to our budget for food and household purchases for a month at a time), etc. It’s definitely been an enjoyable learning experience so far!
Rebekah: One of the biggest things the Lord has been teaching me lately is the importance of extending grace to other people. When I first became introduced to the beautiful lifestyle known as stay-at-home daughterhood, I became overly zealous in that I began to look down on other young women who were not stay-at-home daughters or who were not planning to be stay-at-home daughters. In my thinking and in the way I viewed others, I became the “stay-at-home daughterhood police”. I would search the Scriptures and see lovely examples of daughters who lived at home until marriage and would come across passage after passage that revealed the wonderful design the Lord has for unmarried daughters and their lives between graduation and marriage. I would then wonder why so many other Christian girls couldn’t see the clear truths that I could. And instead of extending grace to them like others had done for me before I came to this mindset, I would harbor disdain for them in my heart. So, I would say that one of the biggest things that the Lord has taught me in the past few months is just how much I need to extend grace and love to those Christian daughters who have not yet come to the place where they understand the plan our Lord has for them as unmarried young ladies.
The second main thing that I have been learning is just how deep our Lord’s love for us is. Being loved by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is far more fulfilling than anything else in the world. Pursuing an ever closer relationship with him is the most worth-while, productive, life-changing mission that anyone could ever go on. It is an absolute delight!
As for what I have been studying, I have been especially honing in on all the passages relating to womanhood and femininity, in the effort to more fully understand how the Lord desires His daughters to act and to see further what pursuits He desires for us to have. This is a very life-changing and eye-opening study that I would highly encourage each and every young lady to conduct. It can be heartbreaking to discover just how far we all are from the Lord’s standard. But in our weakness, He is strong, and through His grace, we can press on towards the goal of Biblical womanhood. As the new year approaches, we have a great opportunity to commit to reading completely through the Scriptures in this next year; may we all be rooted more firmly in God’s Word when the end of 2011 comes!
To read the rest of Part 1, please click here!