
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Beautiful, Feminine artwork that I thought all of you would enjoy. :)

Quite honestly, there are times when I really wish all of us females still dressed like this!


  1. How nice and pretty! I agree with you.. sometimes, almost all the time, I wish we still dressed like that today!!!

    In Christ,

  2. I wish that all the time! Women have truely lost the beauty they once had when they were distinctly feminine and modest as these pictures show.

  3. Yeah for Femininity! I love dresses like this. Women have lost so much by the way the dress now. (I was doing a series on that on my blog for awhile..but I got slightly too busy. I ought to get started once more.)

  4. Amen, Ella! I would love to read more of your posts on femininity-it would be great for you to start that back up when you find the time!!

  5. Yeah, its a shame how so many women
    (and even young girls!) today think that is 'all right' to wear clothes that don't even cover them!!

    Ella, you should start posting about that again when you find the time! I would greatly enjoy reading it!

    In Christ,

  6. We can't always dress like this - but we can use many details of this lovely, flowing feminine style, and incorporate them in our everyday clothes.

  7. Anna,
    So true, and I wish more females did!


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God bless you!

~Rebekah S.