
Saturday, September 8, 2007

Daily Bible Verse

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

~2 Timothy 2:15 (NKJV)


  1. Rebekah, I don't know if you saw it yet but, just in case, go to our blog and look the video dad helped us post! It's adorable!! :)

  2. Ok! I had seen that you had posted it, but Thursday and Friday were REALLY busy with the exhibition, so I was not able to watch it. I'm going to go there now!!

  3. Oh! Thats right! Your exhibition was this week! Oh did you get it on video? I'd love to see it!!

  4. It was sooooo awesome!!! I could go on and on and on!! It was SO much fun!!! The only problem is we had been practicing for 2 months and we had all had soooo much fun with each other, and the presentations were so fun that I broke down today because I was so upset that it was over!! I cried and cried and cried.

    Yes, we taped it!! :) It looks so pretty. I'll show it to you sometime soon! And I'll e-mail you some pics of me and my partner.

    Oh! I have an idea-maybe I can post it on here as a video. Could you tell me how to do that?? I have no clue. :) Thanks!

  5. Oooo! It sounds like you had a great time!!! It would be so cool if you could post the video here! I'm not so sure that I can help/tell you how to do it since you taped it with a video camera instead of a digital. Sorry! Maybe Ali could help!

    see ya tomorrow!


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.