
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Our trip to Savannah, GA-Day 2 (Sunday, September 16, 2007) Part 1

After getting ready, and having the continental breakfast at our hotel, we began our day in Savannah with a trolley tour that went along the river and in the downtown Savannah historical district. It was fun and really pretty!!Andrew and I enjoying the trolley tour.
This was my very favorite thing that we saw during the tour!! This is Christ Church (Episcopalian), where John Wesley preached from 1733-1736, and where George Whitefield took over for 2 years after Mr. Wesley was there. It was so neat to see this beautiful, historic church!
Savannah has 26 squares, which are just square-shaped parks. Some have fountains in the middle of them, others have statutes , but all are surrounded by beautiful trees covered in spanish moss. They were just breaktaking!
Another beautiful square in the beautiful, historic Savannah, GA.


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God bless you!

~Rebekah S.