
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Our trip to Savannah, GA-Day 2 (Sunday, September 16, 2007) Part 2

After our trolley tour, we were supposed to go on that dolphin adventures boat tour that we had missed the day before due to traffic. However, the trolley tour was only supposed to last an hour and a half. It lasted 2 hours. And we got stuck in traffic again, so for some reason the Lord just didn't want us on that tour during this trip. Oh well....there's always next time!

After we found out that we had missed the dolphin tour again, we decided to go get some lunch. We went to the famous (well, famous to Tybee Islanders. :)) Crab Shack on Tybee Island. It was so neat! We got to eat outside, and there was a nice breeze, plus we could see the water from where we ate. It took a little while for our food to get ready, so we had some fun with the camera to pass the time.:)
My sweet little brother.
Andrew and me. I just love this picture. :)

Goofy pictures:
I didn't like this one very well, but Mom really did, so that's how it found its way onto the blog. Daddy and Andrew were being really funny, which accounts for the big smile. :)
Mama's in between smiling and talking. hee hee I was lucky enough to capture this moment. :)
Andrew being silly.
My funny father. He was talking to Mama, and she snapped a photo of him.
"What is that I see in the distance?" :)

After lunch(I had the best boiled shrimp ever!!), we went to explore the grounds of the Crab Shack. We found alligators and bunnies oh my! (there wasn't a third thing we saw, so that didn't exactly work like it did on the Wizard of Oz. :))

"I'm ready for my close up!"
I couldn't resist taking this pic! He is so tuckered out that his front legs are pointed towards his back legs, and his back legs are pointed towards his front legs.
Some adorable, furry bunnies.
Andrew and I posing with the cardboard Crab Shack band.
Andrew and I in the van on the way back from the Crab Shack. We were full and happy after our fun lunch at The Crab Shack.:)


  1. Ha-ha! I love the pix of the alligator! The bunnies are really cute!

  2. lol Weren't the alligators hilarious?

    Oh I know! I really wish I could have pet them! They were so adorable.

  3. You people need some serious sun!


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~Rebekah S.