
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What blessings godly friends are!!

I have been so incredibly blessed by our wonderful new church plant! One of the rich blessings I have received through it are some of the best friends in the world!! They are likeminded, and are such a blessing to me! I hope you enjoy the pictures of us!(they're pretty much the same) Back row l to r: Hannah Morse, Alyssa Scott, me, Ali Ambrosetti and Kelsey Hughey.
Front row l to r: Geneva Morse, Madison Scott, Haleigh Poe, Hannah Patterson and Abby Scott


  1. Oh, I forgot to link the Church's site to it! I guess I'll go and change that later...
    They do look alike, don't they? I'm not quite sure why I posted both of them....

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God bless you!

~Rebekah S.