
Saturday, September 1, 2007


This is my sweet dog, Winston. We got him when he was 3 1/2, so we weren't able to name him ourselves. He is now 7, and has brought us so much joy and laughter. He's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, (sort of a rare breed-not many people know about them) but everyone mistakes him for a Cocker Spaniel. I hope you enjoy these pics, and I hope they bring a smile to your face! :) He seems to think this is his bed and not mine.......
Look at that smile!!! Does he look like a person, or what? lol I'm so glad I captured this smile on film!! :)
Aw, now he's acting bashful. :) This is his favorite way to lay, and when he does so, we call him Super Dog, because it looks like he's flying through the air. :) Of course, he also looks like a bear rug........

I hope you enjoyed these pictures!!


  1. Winston is so adorable! Love all of the pics!! :)

    In Christ,

  2. Thanks so much, Hannah! =) I'm glad you enjoyed them! I'll be posting the ones from this morning at church tomorrow!!

  3. How cute I love dogs of all kinds and yours is to cute

    Madison Scott
    (from church)

    PS. the blog looks great.

  4. So cute! I have two dogs and they crazy! They are 5 years old and they are sisters. They are so cute!

  5. So cute! I have two dogs and they crazy! They are 5 years old and they are sisters. They are so cute!

  6. So cute! I have two dogs and they crazy! They are 5 years old and they are sisters. They are so cute!


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God bless you!

~Rebekah S.