
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Words of Wisdom from "Verses of Virtue"

The following is an article that we, as daughters, must live by. It offers so much wisdom!

No Secrets
The moment a girl has a secret from her mother, or has received a letter she dare not let her mother read, or has a friend that her mother does not know, she is in danger. A secret is not a good thing for a girl to have. The fewer secrets that lie in the hearts of women at any age, the better. It is almost a test of purity. She who has no secrets of her own is best and happiest. In girlhood hide nothing from your mother. The girl who says frankly to her mother, "I have been there; met so and so; such and such remarks were made, and this or that was done," will be sure of receiving good advice and sympathy. If all was right no fault will be found. If the mother knows, out of her great experience, that something was improper or unsuitable, she will, if she is a good mother, kindly advise against it's repetition. You may not know, girls, just what is right or just what is wroong, yet. You can't be blamed for making little mistakes; but you will never do anything very wrong if from the first you have no secrets from your mother.

*the above was an excerpt from the wonderful book entitled Verses of Virtue: The Poetry and Prose of Christian Womanhood. It is compiled and edited by Elizabeth Beall Phillips, wife of Douglas W. Phillips and mother to 8 children. This book is available through and .
*photo from

1 comment:

  1. What a great encouragement! Thank you for posting it!!

    In Christ,


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~Rebekah S.