
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tips for meditating on the Word

I recently received the following question, and instead of just responding to Kathleen only, I wanted to make this into a whole post, so that it may be a help to the rest of you as well!

"Do you have any tips for meditating on the Word"? ~Kathleen

Great question, Kathleen! I've compiled a list of tips and ideas in hopes that they will be of help to you.

Begin your day with a quiet time
This is so important! I can't stress this enough. We all have really busy days, and so it is so important that we set aside this time each morning to spend with our Lord and Savior. As soon as you awake each morning, before doing anything else, spend time in God's Word and in prayer. This will be such a special time, and will ensure that the first thing you think about and dwell on each day will be God's Word. Pick out a verse or passage from this reading that really stood out to you and meditate on it throughout the day.

End your day with a quiet time
Right before you turn the lights out each night, spend some more time in the Word. This way, the very last thing you think about each night will be God's Word. Not only does this help you to meditate on the Word while you're going to sleep, but this will help you to have a more peaceful night sleep, which will be wonderful for your health.

Decorate with Bible verses
I have a bulletin board in my room, on which I have pieces of paper with Bible passages written on them. This helps me to meditate and dwell on these verses throughout the day, because everytime I'm in my room, I see them and am able to read them once again. Also, there are two families from our church who do a similar type of thing. They take 3x5 inch notecards, write Bible passages on them, and then tape these cards to various areas around their home-on kitchen cabinet doors, living room walls, bathroom walls, etc. This is a practical way of obeying Deut. 6:8-9,"You shall bind them[God's words] as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." I had never thought about doing this before, but it's a great idea! This enables you to constantly have God's word before your eyes, and help you to constantly be thinking about or meditating on a Scripture passage. Another great way to decorate with Scripture is to use a cross-stitch pattern and cross-stitch a Bible verse(s), frame it, and place it on a wall. This is a great way to beautify your home, and to fill every nook and cranny of your home with Scripture! :)

Memorize Scripture
This is so very important! If you memorize Scripture, you will find that you will have a comforting verse to meditate on no matter what hardship you may currently be going through. You will also be "always ready to give a reason for the hope that is within you (1 Peter 3:15)-we are commanded to witness and we can only do this if we truly know the Scriptures. Memorized verses will also help you to ward off temptation-when our Lord was tempted by the devil(Matthew 4:1-11), He warded off and resisted the temptations by reciting Scriptures. And as we are to imitate Christ in all things, we must do this as well! My recommendation is that you memorize one passage a week, and then compile all of the verses you've memorized in to a notebook, so that you can continuously be reviewing them.

Carry around Bible verses
To be honest, I just got this idea when I was compiling this list, so therefore I've never actually done this myself. Choose a Bible verse or passage, write it on a piece of paper, and put it in your purse. While you are out shopping, etc., at times pull it out and read it, and this will help you to meditate on blessed Scriptures throughout the day. Another thing you could do, is get a really small Bible (usually the size I'm talking about just comes with the New Testement, Psalms and Proverbs), carry it around in your purse, and when you're waiting in the doctor's office, etc., then just pull it out and begin reading. You can also use this Bible to witness to others when you're shopping, eating out, etc.

Compile Bible Notebooks
I have 3 small, 80-page notebooks, each of which contain numerous verses from Scripture. One of them contains verses on womanhood and is divided into different subjects such as homemaking, courtship, submission, being a helpmeet, etc. The second one is on theological topics, and is divided into subjects such as the trinity, creation, the resurrection, baptism, etc. Finally the 3rd one is divided into subjects such as boldness, strength, trusting in God, obeying God, etc. This is such a help to me, and I'm sure it would be to you as well. Every time I am in need of a comforting verse on trusing in God, for instance, I just open up the appropriate notebook, and there waiting for me, is a treasure trove of blessed comfort - numerous verses on which to meditate on. This idea will also help you to obey the command found in 1 Peter 3:5, which we talked about above. By having the womanhood and theology notebooks, you will be able to stand up for your faith and your Biblical convictions by backing them up with a verse from Scripture.

Kathleen, I really hope these tips have been helpful to you!

Ladies, do you have any other tips you would like to share with Kathleen? If so, please leave them in a comment.

Rebekah I wanted to include some pics of my womanhood notebook, so that you would know what size notebook I use, as well as how I divide them up(using the index tabs), etc.


  1. Rebekah,
    Thank you for such a wonderful post! I have been looking for some direction with this same subject. Your notebook looks perfect - I can't wait to start my own. Do you have any favorite verses you refer back to over and over again?

  2. Rebekah,

    This is my first visit. I am searching for blogs that have a christian theme for encouragement. Thanks for your post and I will look forward to visiting here again. It's encouraging to know others who love Jesus.


  3. Thanks, Rebekah! I have done some of those, but I love the notebook idea! I think I will try that.

    I have added you to my blog links--will you add me to yours? :)

    Bless you!

  4. You have a really nice blog! Thanks for the nice comments you gave of my blog. :)

  5. I have a notebook for Scripture I've memorized, but I have not thought to make a notebook and sort verses like you have done! Neat idea! I also have a prayer journal, with prayer requests and written prayers. It is helpful, especially when you have much to pray for, and don't want to forget things!! :) I have a bulletin board with pictures of friends and family that helps me to remember to pray for them. I've also enjoyed using a Bible Commentary (I have MacArthur's). It gives new insight to the passage you are reading. And of course, if I have ANY questions regarding Scripture, I ask my father! :)
    Thanks for the post!

  6. I think these are wonderful ways to keep keep God's word in our hearts. I have also found that keeping a small New Testament in my purse to be useful. When ever I find my self waiting while out, or traveling to and from places I always have a Bible to read. This has especially been important when I have been rushed out of the house before my devotions, I can just have them in the car =). Having scriptures memorized is really great for when you are using your hands but not your mind (like crocheting, or rocking a baby to sleep)One of the best meditations of Psalm 1 was while I was rocking a baby. =)

    Thanks for giving me the link to Reformed Family Books, I ordered my copy of Passionate Housewives from them yesterday.

  7. Becky,

    You're so welcome!! I'm so happy that it was helpful to you!! My favorite verses include Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 46:10, Philippians 1:13 and Jeremiah 29:11-13.

    Welcome, Pumpkin!
    It's always a joy to have new people visit!! You're so welcome! I'm looking forward to receiving more visits from you in the future!

    You're welcome, Kathleen!! :) Thanks for adding me! I will definitely add you to mine as well!!

    Thanks so much, Under Southern Skies, for visiting my blog as well and for leaving your sweet comments! I hope you return often!

    Having a prayer journel is such a wonderful idea!! MacArthur's commentary is wonderful, isn't it? We also have his study Bible.

    Thank you! :) I hope they were helpful.

    Thank you! :) Yes, that is so true! What a wonderful way and time to meditate on blessed Scripture!! Thank you so much for placing an order through Reformed Family Books! I really appreciate it!!!

  8. I love your idea. I sometimes find myself looking for something to match the guidance I need. The single notebook I have has many versus I love and find comfort in, and have always meant to organize it, but was never sure how. Thanks for the idea! Your blog is a great one and is an inspiration for us starting out. God's blessings to you!! {I had to smile that you had another Kathleen respond to this post earlier :) }


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.