
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Question and Answer Week: Responses Part 2

I received the following questions from a new dear friend of mine, Jade, who I met through blogland.

Hi, Jade! Thanks so much for your great questions! It was fun answering them! If you ever have anymore, please don't hesitate to send them to me!

How long have you been blogging?

I began this blog on August 12th, 2007. So, I've been blogging for a little over 4 months now. I can't believe it's been that long-it seems like just yesterday that I began it! :)

Why did you decide to call your blog "By His Grace and For His Glory"?

Wow, that's a great question!! About a year or so ago, I came across a book with that title. I loved the sound of it, and as I prepared to start up my blog, that name popped into my head again. As I thought more about it, I discovered just how much it applied to me. It's only by His miraculous grace that I am even desiring to be a homemaker, a mother of many blessings, a feminine lady, etc. Before, I had been influenced by some of the lies of feminism. So, it's only by God's amazing grace that I would even desire to live out Biblical womanhood, and it's by His work in my heart that I love and embrace my calling as a young woman living under my father's roof. And, in my life, my whole goal and mission is to bring glory to Christ in everything I say, think and do. My desire is that others would see Christ when they look at me and view the way I live. So, "By His Grace and For His Glory" just seemed like the perfect name for my blog.

Do you like peanut butter fudge?

Yes, I do!! Peanut butter fudge is great. It's funny you should ask me that-I just received some in the mail yesterday for Christmas from my great-grandmother and have really been enjoying it! :)

Have a great weekend and a blessed Lord's day, Jade!


  1. Rebekah, I do hope you got the *VERY LONG* email I sent yesterday. :P

  2. Great! another peanut butter fudge lover!) lol! I love your idea of "question and answer week" do you mind if Me and my sister steal your idea for our blog sometime?


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.