
Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Hello, all! I just have a few minutes to check in with you all, but I wanted to let you know that we returned home safely from the retreat. It was wonderful!!!!

I'm looking forward to sharing with all of you the pictures I took, as well as sharing with you how the retreat was, and what a blessing it was. I must go tackle some of my school work right now, but will come back on here with coverage of the retreat as soon as possible! :)


  1. Dear Rebekah,
    Wasn't the retreat wonderful? I can't tell you how much I enjoyed getting to know you and your father! You are a true bright light in this dark world!
    God bless!

  2. I'm glad you made it home safely. I can't wait to see pictures and hear about it!!
    God bless you with a wonderful week!

  3. Can't wait to see them! Hope you all had a great time!

  4. Rebekah, I'm so happy you made it there and back all right, and that you had a good time. I was praying you'd have a rewarding experience, and am especially glad to hear you enjoyed it so much :)

    We're finally getting some of your lovely spring weather up here in Eastern Canada-- so glad you could share, lol!

    Much love in Christ,


  5. I'm looking forward to the pictures! It sounds like a wonderful time!


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.