I received the following question yesterday morning.
Rebekah, tell me where did the whole "stay-at-home daughter" thing come from? who introduced it to you? and can you back up this notion with scripture?
Hello! Thank you for your great question. Yes, I can indeed back it up with numerous Scripture passages-in fact, that's what I'm doing right now! I'm currently writing an article(the first in a 5part series on this very subject) entitled Stay-At-Home Daughterhood: A Biblical Case. It's a really long article, and I'm so excited about it! I pray that it will be a blessing to all who visit this blog.
The whole "stay-at-home daughterhood thing" came directly from the Scriptures alone. In fact, that was normative prior to radical feminism! Feminism has changed the way we all think(even Christians have been drastically changed by it, sadly), and so now, when we're presented with a Biblical doctrine we tend to kick against it and claim that that surely couldn't be found in the Scriptures anywhere. We need a HUGE change in our thinking! It's high time we stopped conforming to this sinful, God-hating world, and instead transformed our minds!
I was first introduced with the concept of stay-at-home daughterhood through a book I read at the end of 2006/beginning of 2007. I was shocked when I read this part of the book, because I'm ashamed to say, I had no idea this was taught in the Scriptures! I was very feministic in my thinking(and thus, very anti-God and anti-Scripture), and so was so unfamiliar with the Scriptures that I had no idea this sort of idea was contained there. To make sure the authors of this book were actually right and knew what they were talking about, I set out on a deep study of the Word, to "see whether these things be so." I was determined to "rightly divide the Word of truth" and to "test all things; hold fast what is good." I was simply amazed at the end of my study! I had come across even more Scripture passages supporting this idea than the authors had even referenced! I repented before the Lord for not knowing His Word, and for going against what it so clearly teaches. It is now my goal in life to teach the Scriptures(especially on the subject of Biblical daughterhood, womanhood and femininity), to refute feminism by exposing its true history and foundations, etc.
May you have a blessed day, Anonymous! Thank you again for your question, and should you have anymore, please don't hesitate to let me know!
In Christ alone,
Aw, thanks, Adlyn! It was taken on Easter Sunday.
ReplyDeleteYou know I disagree with you on this issue, as well.
ReplyDeleteYou are more than entitled to your own opinion. But, I ask that you please issue forth to me a fair chance, before you say that you disagree with me. Allow me to first publish the article with all the Scripture passages included before you make your final decision.
Thank you for your comment!
Dear Rebekah,
ReplyDeleteNice post! I totally agree. I do not think that it is TOTALLY a sin for a girl to go to college. My sister is going to nursing school (while living at home) and will definately stop working when and if she is married. She will be able to use a lot of the skills that she is learning right now when she takes care of her children.
Speaking of stay at home daughters there is a blog that I like to visit that is titled that. Their URL is " http://stay-at-home-daughters.blogspot.com/ "
I like your signature In Christ alone. :)
In Christ Alone
I'm interested in your views on the biblical head covering referenced in 1 corinthians 11... its become of great interest/concern to me lately. So I'm seeking guidance/counsel regarding this issue. Thanks so much!