
Friday, June 20, 2008

Oh, how I've missed you all!

Where do I begin?? :)

I've missed you all so much and have really missed posting on here and corresponding with you all these past few weeks!

First off, we had a WONDERFUL vacation to Indiana. I will be posting pics from that vacation shortly, and will fill you in on some really special, memorable happenings that took place while we were there! :) The Lord really blessed us during this vacation, to say the least!

We returned from vacation on Sunday night, June 1st, and since then have been trying to get back on track with everything, sort out our summer schedule, begin piano lessons(taught to me by my wonderful mother-more on that later ;)), etc. etc. Have you ever experienced a week or two in your life where you know pretty much what happened during that time, yet you wonder where the time went and whether or not you accomplished anything? Well, that's exactly how I've been feeling the past two weeks.

But, don't fear! This blog will very soon be up and running full swing ahead! :) The article series I mentioned a few posts ago will be begun here on my blog within the week. I will be getting to each and every comment and e-mail I've received in the past month or so(most of which have been on the subject of homemaking and that post I did a few weeks ago!!). Never fear-all your questions, comments, and input will be acknowledged and answered in full! :)

Thank you all so much for your patience. You are all such a God send! God bless you all.


  1. Hi Rebekah,
    Glad your back look forward to reading your articles!
    Miss Dea

  2. Yes, Rebekah, I have had many of those weeks! But I am so glad you and your family had a nice time.

    Mom and I are leaving on Sunday for a girl's week at the Oregon Coast. I am looking forward to it.

    I would love for you to stop by my blog again someday. I e-mailed you with the new address.
    In Christ,

  3. Glad to have you back Rebekah.

  4. Dear Rebekah,
    I'm so glad that you are back! I understand how you are feeling about summer scheduling and fitting blogging into the picture! My poor frinds on Homeschoolblogger haven't had a post in weeks!

  5. Hi, it's wonderful to know you've been doing well! So excited to hear about the piano lessons. Enjoy music and explore it with all your heart - it's totally worth it!

    Looking forward to reading your comments and posts later, but I'm not impatient, it's just nice to know you will get to them.

    In Christ,

  6. Great site!


  7. They are talking about you.

  8. Anonymous,

    Thank you for your comment! I'm glad you notified me of this. If you would like to read what I said in response to their comments, go read comment #751.


  9. Rebekah,

    I have responded to the comment you left. That comment thread is quite old, however. There are two more recent ones. Here is what I wrote to you:


    How have you been reviled? Many people have drawn attention to your youth, and expressed their concern and anger that a 15-year-old would presume to teach married women how to be wives. But you have not been reviled or mocked - indeed, I think most people here have expressed concern for you. And many of us went to your blog to express our concerns, so you need not direct us to the comment section, or imply that we are 'talking about' you behind your back.

    Your suggestion that you are being reviled is both inaccurate and unfair. You (and, indeed, God) would be better served by examining why so many older women would object to you teaching them, than by assuming that their criticism is mean-spirited and unfounded.

    Best wishes,

  10. Rebekah,

    You will want to look at the most recent comments on this thread for a reply:

  11. Hey Rebekah! Good to have you back - I haven't visited you in a while :-) I just started the Quill up again, hopefully I will see you on it soon! I miss all my dear blogging sisters. I like your picture with your dad -- that is so sweet!
    In Him

  12. Hi Rebekah!
    Just wanted to write and encourage you today to remain strong in face of opposition and may grace and peace be yours in fullest measure. I read the many comments spoken against you at the blog listed here in your comment section. It seems evident to me that the many post/comments written at that blog lack true understanding and conviction for Biblical womanhood. May you find your joy this day and always in Him...the God of your salvation. Keep searching the scriptures! Keep growing in Him! Keep on keeping on!!!
    In Christ....
    By His grace and for His glory,
    Miss Dea

  13. Dea,
    I think you are making sweeping statements about the women on True Womanhood. I haven't found one to lack in understanding of what it means to be a woman in Christ.

    Did you read Claire's post? The problem some women have is that a teenager is teaching older women, and she is teaching her convictions as Biblical and the only proper way.
    You and I are young mothers. We do well in listening to older women who have experience and have weathered the storm, so to speak. Sure, we can learn from younger people, I learn from my children all the time! But young people have to be careful not to set themselves up to teach older people. It's not Biblical.

    God bless,

  14. Rebekah,
    Welcome back! I am sure you have many stories and experiences to share with us soon. I am anxious to begin reading your posts - I did become a stranger for the last months or so but I am back and willing to learn more on feminine Christianity. I did have a question for you though...what tips or advice can you offer for learning and maintaining a simplistic womanly home? My husband and I are about to close on our very first home and I am determined to make it a very loving and Christ-like atmosphere without going overboard on materialistic possessions. Hope to hear from you soon! Keep in touch!


  15. Thank you for your sweet welcome, Miss Dea!! :)


    I'm glad I'm not the only one! :)
    Those kinds of weeks are so frustrating.

    Oh, how neat! I hope you and your mom had a truly wonderful and special time!

    I will definitely be heading over to your awesome blog very soon! :)

    Much Christian love,


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.