
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A warm hello to you all!

Hello, dear readers! I pray that all is going well with you this week.

My family and I were blessed with a very Merry Christmas. The Lord revealed Himself to us in a new way this beloved Christmas, through my father's reading to us from a wonderful book by John MacArthur entitled God's Gift of Christmas. The entire Christmas story took on an even new and more beautiful and precious light for us. While we enjoyed exchanging gifts(as I'm sure you all did as well), what we most took joy from was in meditating on the fact of what that beloved Gift from God was on that first Christmas morning-His Son, our Savior and Lord! I am so often amazed by God's goodness in sending His Son to die for such vile, wretched sinners such as myself. His mercy overwhelms me, and His love engulfs me! What a joy it was to dwell on our God's goodness this Christmas season! It is my prayer that all of you enjoyed a Christ-filled Christmas, as well. I hope you enjoyed the Christmas dinner, family time, and presents. But what I really hope and pray for you is that you truly had Christ at the center of your Christmas. Because if we don't, Christmas means nothing-it's just another day on the calendar, no matter how special the day may have seemed. So, I pray that you all had a very Merry Christmas-a Christmas where Christ revealed Himself to you in a deeper and more wonderfully intimate way!

I would like to share with you all some updates, as well! As to my mother's health(please refer to prior blog posts, to read about her syptoms the past 8 months), she has begun seeing a new doctor who seems infinitely more wise than the others she's gone to. Praise the Lord for His goodness in directing us to this new doctor! As it is right now, we're thinking that Mama's thyroid condition is what is causing all the other syptoms-chest problems, headaches, fatigue, nausea at times, nerve system problems, etc. Because she's not on medication for the hypothyroidism, it's continuing to get worse, thus causing all the other problems. We're very thankful that the Lord has led us to this place, and we're praying that this diagnosis is indeed the true one! Please continue to pray for comfort and peace and good health for Mama, and that the Lord would give the doctor wisdom in this time.

As to my wrist, praise be to God-the cyst has not returned!!! I'm SO thankful. I've now made 3 batches of bread, begun crocheting a baby blanket, etc., and the cyst has not gone back to its large size. I do experience some pain when I perform these activities, though. This is uncomfortable and I wish I didn't have it, but if this is the Lord's will for my life, then I will be content! This slight pain and discomfort is far easier to handle than was my bad pain due to the large cyst! I'm hoping this means that my cyst will not come back, but it still could. I'll keep you all updated on what happens. Thank you all so very much for your prayers-please continue lifting them up to the Lord!

I'm currently writing my blog's 2009 Mission Statement, which I am so excited about! I will be posting it as soon as it's finished(probably for sure by Monday, I would think. But as the Lord's taught me-Deo Volente!! Lord willing!).

May our Sovereign God bless you all richly this day!

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Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.