
Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Young Maiden's DayBook Entry #7!

Please join the fun by clicking here! :) Today is… Monday, March 16th, 2009

Outside my window... is a very cloudy sky! We've been having rain off and on so far this morning.

I am wearing.... my green nightgown with purple and blue flowers.

I am reading… many books at once, of course. ;) They include: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, Beloved Bride: The Letters of Stonewall Jackson to His Wife by Bill Potter, Marriage to a Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards by Elisabeth Dodds(I've actually taken a short break on these three books, as I've been so busy with school reading lately!), God and Government Vol. 3: The Restoration of the Republic by Gary DeMar, Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper, How to Be a Lady: Useful Hints on the Formation of Character by Harvey Newcomb(this book is from 1850!), Systematic Theology by Robert Duncan Culver(I'm studying this with Daddy),etc. Daddy is currently reading to us The Genesis Record by the late Dr. Henry Morris, founder of ICR(he reads this to us each night, and we are so often amazed by Mr. Morris' knowledge-and we've only read 2 chapters so far! :)), Spurgeon: A New Biography by Arnold Dallimore(he reads this to us on Tuesday nights; this is the book that the men and sons of our church are currently discussing at their Wednesday night meetings) and Scetches from Church History: An Illustrated Account of 20 Centuries of Christ's Power by S.M. Houghton(available through the Banner of Truth Trust). Daddy reads this to us on Saturday evenings, in preparation for the discussion on it during our Sunday meeting with the Church. We've only read 5 chapters of it so far, but are already blown away by the glory of Christ! As for what books I'm reading in the Bible: 2nd Corinthians, Psalms, Genesis and Proverbs(among other various individual passages).

I am creating… my blog's 2009 Mission Statement. The Lord has broadened my vision for this blog, so the writing of this mission statement has been expanded!

One of my favorite things….visiting my dear great-grandparents in the farm land portion of Indiana. :)

For education this week… government/history, theology, writing and literature, consumer math, Apologia chemistry, valuable homemaking and motherhood skills, growing in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

A keeper at home skill I am using/learning...saving money and finding good deals at the grocery store! :)

A spiritual lesson I’m learning…life is not all about me! The Lord has gracious given me life so that I may serve Him. It's all about Him.

A godly character trait I plan to work on…diligence!! Whether this applies to when I'm cleaning the bathtub, doing schoolwork, or attempting to redeem my time wisely, I desperately need to learn diligence!

Scripture I am memorizing… This week Daddy is leading us in memorizing Matthew 18:20 and Hebrews 10:24-25 (KJVB).

I am praying for… Various family and church requests, prayer for God's guidance as to how this blog will be arranged and led this year, His guidance as to some writing projects that I feel He has laid on my heart-I pray that He would truly reveal His will to me.

For the rest of the week… I plan to be writing for this blog, Lord willing. I have school, will(Lord willing) be responding to the numerous blog comments and e-mails that I haven't been able to answer yet, will be busy caring for my family, deepening my relationship with the Lord, furthering my education, etc.

A picture I’d like to share… is this:

The two dear men in my life, my father George and brother Andrew.

Easter 2008

Friday, March 13, 2009

Brand New Tea Cozies Available Now from Co-z-t-treasures!

As promised, new tea cozy designs available for purchase are being added weekly! Here is this week's list of newly available tea cozies:

The English Garden tea cozy brings a beautiful bouquet of mauve, rose, burgundy, dusty pink and golden yellow flowers to your table. It's perfectly accented with burgundy ribbons and a lining of white. A bouquet that will never wilt!


Lovely vines of white flowers and leaves on a creamy tan background adorn the Vines of White tea cozy. White lining and white grosgrain ribbon accent the cozy while tan and white beads finish the look! Would add the perfect touch to a wedding reception/bridal shower!

The Petite Periwinkle tea cozy is a darling creation featuring tiny blooms of periwinkle, pink, and orangy-yellow with turquoise-colored leaves on a white background. It is lined in a coordinating fabric with periwinkle satin ribbon and beads to add the finishing touch. Bring the colors of spring to your next tea!


The A Taste of Elegance tea cozy is beautifully fashioned with dusty "blush" fabric featuring an elegant swirl design. It is accented with a rich brown lining and matching brown satin ribbon, while clear and brown beads "tie" it all together! Bring "A Taste of Elegance" to your next tea!


The Blue 'n' Lime Delight cozy is crafted of fabric featuring flowers of lime and various shades of blue on a white background. It is lined in bright blue coordinating fabric and accented with lime green ribbon and blue and white beads for the finishing touch. Add some delight to your next tea!

Flowers of pink and leaves of green are displayed on the Happy Spring tea cozy! It is lined in matching green fabric and accented with green ribbons and "pearl" beads. Bring the joy of spring to your tea time!

Blooms of lilac and leaves of green have found their way onto the Lilac Blossoms tea cozy. It is lined in soft cream and features creamy satin ribbon graced with green and lilac beads for the finishing touch. Bring the beauty of lilacs to your tea time!


Click each photo to enlarge!

Please click here for more cozies available now and for more info on my home business!

Special announcements from Co-z-t-treasures:

International shipping rates are now available! Cozies can be shipped to any destination outside the US for $7.00 each ($2.00 extra per each additional cozy when placed in the same order)!

Also, my tea cozies are now available for a special sale price of $15.95 each on Etsy and Ebay, so that means that the special rate for blog readers has been reduced to $14.95 each!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Alert: Please Call Your Senators Immediately

The following article recently appeared on the website of the Homeschool Legal Defense Association:
The Senate Judiciary Committee recently voted 14–5 to send David Ogden’s nomination as deputy attorney general to the full U.S. Senate for a confirmation vote. We have been told that the Senate will hold its vote sometime this week. We previously informed you that Ogden has been nominated by President Obama to the second highest position in the Justice Department.
Contact your senators now >>

HSLDA urges you to call your two U.S. senators and voice your opposition to Ogden’s confirmation. If either of your senators are among the five who voted to oppose Mr. Ogden in committee, we encourage you to call their offices and thank them for their principled vote. They are Tom Coburn (Oklahoma), John Cornyn (Texas), Chuck Grassley (Iowa), Orrin Hatch (Utah), and Jeff Sessions (Alabama).

The most important reason to oppose Ogden’s nomination is his belief that the rules found in the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child are already binding on the United States under the doctrines of international law.

For background information on this doctrine, see Michael Farris’ article, “A Deeper Understanding of the Threat of International Law” in the November/December 2007 Home School Court Report.

This means Ogden believes that the legal rules contained in the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child are already binding on the United States, even though this treaty has never been sent to the U.S. Senate for ratification.

Homeschoolers have long understood the dangers of this international treaty, which contains the core principle that the government is primarily responsible for the education and upbringing of children, not the parents. Ogden used this U.N. treaty in a Supreme Court brief to reach the conclusion that America’s courts can overrule state law, using international law as their guidepost for constitutional interpretation. And Ogden successfully argued this philosophy to the highest court in the land.

Clearly, Ogden is a proven advocate for the harmful position that international law should be used to interpret the Constitution of the United States and be controlling over state laws.
If this weren’t enough, Ogden has a history of representing Playboy and other purveyors of pornography in high-profile legal cases. He also challenged the legality of using filters on library computers to protect children from seeing pornography. His record prompts many to question whether Ogden would enforce the nation’s pornography laws, as would be part of his job description as deputy attorney general.

The U.S. Senate needs to understand that the American public does not approve of officials who believe that international law trumps American law written by representatives elected by the American people.

Action Needed
If one of the five senators who voted to opposed Ogden’s nomination is from your state (see above), please email his office and thank him.

If your senators are not among these five, please call their offices and urge them to vote against Ogden’s nomination. You may find your senators’ contact info at the online HSLDA Legislative Toolbox.

Thank you for standing with us for freedom.

In addition, Mr. Ogden is in full support of child pornography and even has the audacity to call it "art" and "free speech". Do not allow this man to become a high rank leader in our nation! Please understand that if you do not call your senators and tell them to vote NO to his nomination, then you are showing that you are in full support of this man. Jesus said "If you are not for Me, you are against Me". There is no middle ground whatsoever. If you don't let your voice be heard by calling your senators, then your silence is saying that you don't care that such a man is in leadership, and that you're fully fine with it. It is thanks to us Christians that have sat on our hands for far too long, that our nation is in the shape it's now in, and men like Mr. Ogden are getting nominated. It is time for us to stand up, not only for our freedoms, but also for the safety of those poor children that Mr. Ogden thinks should submit to being involved in child pornography. Mr. Ogden is also in full support of the dangerous UN treaty on the rights of the child (a post on this terrible bill is coming soon to this blog!). He is also very pro-abortion, pro-aided suicides and pro-homosexuality.

Call your senators and tell them that as a citizen of the United States of America, you are deeply concerned that such a man could become one of the highest ranking leaders of the land. Tell them to please vote NO to his nomination to the office of Deputy Attorney General. After your phone calls, please notify every person you possibly can regarding this upcoming vote(and ask that they in turn notify all they can about this), and tell them to call their senators, as well, and ask them to vote NO. We must spread the word about this!

Thank you for letting your voice be heard. God will richly bless you for your faithfulness to Him, and your commitment to the Dominion Mandate and Great Commission!

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Young Maiden's DayBook Entry #6!

Please join the fun by clicking here!! Today is… Monday, March 9th, 2009

Outside my window…the sun is shining brightly-it's actually 83 degrees outside right now!!

I am thinking…about what a glorious day it is, and how delightful it is when the windows are open(as they are now!). :)

I am wearing...a blue shirt, white cami and brown tiered peasant-style skirt.

I am reading… many books at once, of course. ;) They include: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, Beloved Bride: The Letters of Stonewall Jackson to His Wife by Bill Potter, Marriage to a Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards by Elisabeth Dodds(I've actually taken a short break on these three books, as I've been so busy with school reading lately!), God and Government Vol. 3: The Restoration of the Republic by Gary DeMar, Handmaidens of the Lord (for the second time; this is an OUTSTANDING booklet on stay-at-home daughterhood) by Crystal Paine, Journey of the Heart: The Story of Janet McLean(for the second time!) by Miss Jeannie Castleberry(book 4 in the outstanding Castleberry courtship series)Systematic Theology by Robert Duncan Culver(I'm studying this with Daddy),etc. Daddy is currently reading to us The Genesis Record by the late Dr. Henry Morris, founder of ICR(he reads this to us each night, and we are so often amazed by Mr. Morris' knowledge-and we've only read 2 chapters so far! :)), Spurgeon: A New Biography by Arnold Dallimore(he reads this to us on Tuesday nights; this is the book that the men and sons of our church are currently discussing at their Wednesday night meetings) and Scetches from Church History: An Illustrated Account of 20 Centuries of Christ's Power by S.M. Houghton(available through the Banner of Truth Trust). Daddy reads this to us on Saturday evenings, in preparation for the discussion on it during our Sunday meeting with the Church. We've only read 4 chapters of it so far, but are already blown away by the glory of Christ! As for what books I'm reading in the Bible: 2nd Corinthians, Psalms, Genesis and Proverbs(among other various individual passages).

I am creating… this blog post! :)

One of my favorite things….our Friday night family parties! :) On Fridays, we enjoy popcorn, a movie(or TV show that we can all enjoy), ice cream and games. Then, Andrew and I get out our sleeping bags and sleep on the living room floor while Mama and Daddy sleep on our fold out couch/bed.

For education this week… government/history, theology, writing and literature, consumer math, Apologia chemistry, valuable homemaking and motherhood skills, growing in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

A keeper at home skill I am using/learning...making new dishes from brand new recipes I've discovered! I enjoy this immensely!

A spiritual lesson I’m learning…Christians must be selfless!

A godly character trait I plan to work on…Selflessness!!

Scripture I am memorizing… This week Daddy is leading us in memorizing John 15:7 and Philippians 4:6-7(KJV). We have now memorized 6 new verses together(2 per week for the last 3 weeks) and are working on our 7th and 8th! :)

I am praying for… Various family and church requests, prayer for God's guidance as to how this blog will be arranged and led this year, His guidance as to some projects that I feel He has laid on my heart-I pray that He would truly reveal His will to me.

For the rest of the week… I plan to be writing for this blog, Lord willing. I have school, will(Lord willing) be responding to the numerous blog comments and e-mails that I haven't been able to answer yet, will be busy caring for my family, and will happily attend a baby shower Saturday for a lady in our church(we have 3 ladies currently expecting and we're SO excited!! We older girls already have what we like to call the "itching arm syndrome"! This means that we cannot wait to hold those precious little blessings.) In fact, one of the ladies from our church will probably be having her baby sometime this week!

A picture I’d like to share… is this:

This is a brand new tea cozy by Co-z-t Treasures, entitled English Garden. Please click here for more information about my tea cozies that are available now(and about my brand new home business, Co-z-t Treasures!)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Handcrafted Tea Cozies by Co-z-t Treasures Available Now!

Dress your teapot in style while keeping your tea, cider or coffee nice and hot with a delightful tea cozy by CO-Z-T TREASURES! Each cozy fits a 6-8 cup teapot and is handcrafted of cotton fabrics, polyester batting for insulation and coordinating ribbon that provides a look that is sure to be the perfect addition to your table for any occasion:

* Baby Showers
* Bridal Showers
* Wedding Receptions
* Anniversary Parties
* Birthday Parties
* Girl's Tea Parties
* Christmas Parties
* Victorian High Tea Parties

Each cozy is a wrap-around style with an elasticized bottom for a secure fit. Both ends are tied with ribbon which makes it easy to slip on and off when changing to another cozy for a different occasion.

They also make great gifts (don't forget Mother's Day will be here soon) and add a decorative touch to your home!

Styles currently available:

Grape, coral and shades of green adorn the Fruit of the Vine tea cozy which is accented with matching coral ribbons. Rich, dark green fabric serves as the lining, completing the look!

"Lacey" feminine hearts and petite flowers grace the soft coral background of this delightful tea cozy! Bright white lining and grosgrain ribbon brings out the delicate white detailing of the fabric, while the red beads "tie in" with the red of the hearts and flowers, making the Feminine Hearts cozy truly darling!

The reversible English Rose tea cozy will add a feminine touch to your tea time! It features shades of dusty pink and rose as well as delicate green leaves accented with creamy satin ribbon. The reverse features "vines" of dusty pink on a cream background. Femininity at it's Finest!

The Under the Sea tea cozy has an aqua colored background covered with delicate blue, red, yellow, and white flowers. It is lined in matching aqua fabric, while white lacey satin ribbon adds the finishing touch!

The Victorian Rose Cozy features petite rose blooms with sage/olive green leaves on a creamy tan background. It is lined in a coordinating striped fabric and accented with tan grosbrain ribbon and matching beads that add the perfect touch! Just what you need for your next Victorian Tea!

The Vintage Floral Cozy will take you back in time with its soft shades, reminiscent of a water color painting! It is lined in a neutral fabric and accented with sparkly, transparent sage green ribbon! A time's-gone-by treasure!

The Tutti Fruitti Cozy is bright and cheery with flowers large and small of yellow, orange, lavendar, purple, pink and magenta with green leaves on a bright white background. It is lined in a coordinating striped fabric that really adds to the look, while "lacey" bright pink ribbons add the finishing touch. A fun addition to your next tea!

~Please note: the Tutti Fruitti tea cozy is currently out of stock!~


The Spring Garden Cozy features an array of roses with green leaves on a bright and cheery pink background. It is lined in white, trimmed with white grosgrain ribbon and accented with pretty green beads that really make it "pop"! It's sure to add "floral beauty to any occasion"!

The Pretty 'n Pink Cozy features delicate pink and magenta blooms with sage green leaves on a pastel pink background with matching pink lining and satin ribbon! The Perfect Addition to a Girl's Tea Party!

The Petite Blooms Cozy features delicate, tiny rose blooms with sage green leaves along with a few blue blooms scattered here and there, all on a cream background. It is lined with matching cream lining and accented with embossed creamy satin ribbon! Just Darling!

~Please note: The Petite Blooms tea cozy is currently out of stock!~

You can almost hear the waves crashing with the Ocean Breeze Cozy and its shades of sand and surf! It is lined in white fabric and accented with matching aqua satin ribbons along with white beads for the finishing touch. Bring the beauty of the beach to your table!

The Floral Elegance Cozy is crafted of rich taupe and creamy tan flowers on a grayish blue background, lined in cream fabric and accented with cream grosgrain ribbon and clear glass-like beads that add the perfect touch! It's pure class!

The Daisy Sunshine Cozy brings a light, warm, cheery touch to your table with its white daisies on a medium blue background. It is lined in a matching blue fabric and trimmed in white grosgrain ribbon. It's Sure to Keep Ya Smilin'!

This cozy features Precious Moments fabric and white grosgrain ribbon, with white and mint-colored beads to complete the look! A Precious Cozy for the Precious Little One!

The Pink Delight Cozy features an array of various flowers in white, lime green and shades of pink. It is lined in a striped fabric of lime green and both pastel and dark pink (which makes it perfectly reversible), trimmed with white grosgrain ribbon! It's 2 Cozies in 1!

The Cotton Candy Dots Cozy features a light pink background with slightly darker pink flowers and black polka-dot flowers! It is lined in black, trimmed with white grosgrain ribbon and features black beads to complete the look! It is sure to bring a smile to your face and a darling touch to your teapot!

The Cottage Rose Cozy has shades of sage green, rose and dusty pink on a creamy background, trimmed with coordinating sage green ribbon. Reminiscent of a 19th century English Cottage!

The Blooms on Blue tea cozy has red, white, yellow and blue flowers scattered across a background of sky blue. White grosgrain ribbon finishes the look and makes this cozy truly striking!

Click each photo to enlarge!

Each of the above cozies is available on Ebay for $17.95 each. However, to show my appreciation to my blog readers, I am offering these tea cozies at a special sale price of $15.95 each to the blog readers who place orders!

Shipping and Payment Information:

USPS Priority Shipping within the US is $5.00 for the first cozy and $1.00 per each additional cozy ordered. USPS First Class Mail is available on individual tea cozies for $3.00.

International buyers: Please e-mail me at (no apostrophe in the word Lords-hotmail is picky! :)) for accurate shipping rates.

Payment by PayPal and money orders is accepted, and your tea cozy order will be shipped as soon as payment is received!

Ordering Information:

To order, e-mail me (before placing your order, however, please e-mail for availability!) at the address listed above, and include the name and quantity of each cozy you wish to purchase. Also include in your e-mail the payment method you want to use. Once your order is received, you will receive an e-mail with all the info you will need to make payment, and once your payment is received, an e-mail receipt will be sent to you.

Always remember that I'm here to serve you, so if you have any comments, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to e-mail me. The pleasure of the customer is always my goal!

Please click here to read more about my home business Co-z-t Treasures! If you would please spread the word about this business, I would greatly appreciate it!!

More cozy styles coming soon!!

Special announcement: Prices have been revised!! :) Because my tea cozies are now available on Etsy and Ebay for $15.95 each, the special blog reader price is now lowered to: $14.95! So, for blog readers only, tea cozies by Co-z-t Treasures are now available for purchase for only $14.95 each! :)

Also, international shipping rates are now available! Shipping for a cozy sent internationally will cost $7 (with $2 per each additional cozy you purchase in the same order).

Monday, March 2, 2009

Long Awaited Special Annoucement Post!

And now, ladies (and any gents who may be here), here is the special announcement post that you've all been waiting so patiently for!

My news is that the Lord has opened the doors for me to be able to have a home business(or cottage industry:)). I am so thankful to Him for His mercy and guidance.

Last year, my father began speaking to me a lot on the subject of home businesses and began making it pretty clear that he would like me to have one. I, too, liked this idea, as I had been wanting to find a way to earn some money from home-money that would allow me to help our family, minister to others, etc. Then, in June, I was happy to find the wonderful booklet by Crystal Paine, The Merchant Maiden: Earning an Income Without Compromising Convictions, for sale at our local homeschool curriculum fair. This pleased my father very much as well, and I began to read this great book that is so full of wisdom and practical advice(a must-read for every Christian young lady-as well as married ladies!). However, none of the ideas for earning money at home particularly leapt out at me.

While all this was taking place, the Lord was growing my love of tea parties and all things associated with them. By this time, I had attended 2 Vision Forum father daughter discipleship retreats with Daddy and had so enjoyed the special Victorian high teas at these retreats. Then, for my 16th birthday, my parents took me to The English Rose, a delightfully authentic British tea room in our area. While there, I became aquainted with domed tea cozies which are darling little works of art that sit over your teapot, thereby keeping your tea warm and adding beauty to your tea parties. I was definitely wanting one of my own! Well, then this Christmas I received a tea cozy hand crafted by my mother. What a delightful gift it was! This adorable tea cozy, however, was something I had never seen before! It was what is called a wrap-around tea cozy, and is wrapped around your tea pot and secured with ribbons, etc. I had never seen anything so adorable! :) This tea cozy style allowed me to keep the cozy on my tea pot at all times, while still allowing for easy pouring. I was thrilled! :) It was so enjoyable to put this cozy to use at the Christmas tea party I hosted for some of the young ladies from church.

Then about a month or so ago, my mother approached me with an idea she has just thought up. She well knew how much my father and I wanted me to have a home business, and she as well really liked the idea. She had been thinking about possibilities of things I could do when she came up with a brilliant idea: sell handcrafted wrap-around tea cozies! This would incorporate my love for all things tea parties with my desire to earn money while remaining under the authority and protection of my father. It would also provide me with valuable opportunities to sew more, which are always nice for me! :) Mama and I then approached my father with the idea, and he gave his blessing. I must tell you, I'm so excited about this new idea the Lord has blessed me with, and it is my desire to honor Him with it and give all glory to Him. It's my prayer that He would bless this cottage industry and would allow me to serve all those who would, I pray, benefit from it.

The past few weeks have been so fun as Mama and I have sought out fabric and accessories to fashion into tea cozies. Seeing pieces of fabric and spools of ribbon turn into tea cozies has been so delightful!

The tea cozies that are currently available (with more being added weekly) will be ready for purchase here on By His Grace and For His Glory beginning tomorrow. Pictures of the styles, info on each cozy, price, payment and shipping information, etc. will all be posted then!

It's my desire that these cozies would serve as pretty new additions to your home and the starters for some very enjoyable, relaxing tea parties with family, friends, and those who are in desperate need of Christian hospitality.

~Miss Rebekah Ann S., owner of Co-z-t Treasures, a home business begun with the purpose of giving glory to God and providing the public with handcrafted, custom made tea cozies

A Young Maiden's Daybook Entry #5!

Please head on over to Alexandra's blog to participate! Today is… Monday, March 2nd, 2009(am I the only one that can't believe it's already March?? :))

Outside my window…our hummingbird feeder is blowing in the wind. I can't wait until those darling little birds will be back to eat!

I am thinking…about all the devotionals I want to write on passages in Proverbs.

I am wearing...a black sweater with an aqua colored skirt.

I am reading… many books at once, of course. ;) They include: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, Beloved Bride: The Letters of Stonewall Jackson to His Wife by Bill Potter, God and Government Vol. 3 by Gary DeMar, Marriage to a Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards by Elisabeth Dodds, Systematic Theology by Robert Duncan Culver(I'm studying this with Daddy), etc. Daddy is currently reading to us The Genesis Record by Henry Morris, and Spurgeon: A New Biography by Arnold Dallimore. As for what books I'm reading in the Bible: 2nd Corinthians, Psalms, Genesis and Proverbs(among other various individual passages).

I am creating… this blog post :) and the Special Announcement post I referred to in my last daybook entry!

One of my favorite things….the times of calm and quiet each evening when Daddy gathers us around him and reads to us from God's Word and other solid Christian books and has us memorize Scripture. These are such precious times! :)

For education this week… government/history, theology, writing and literature, consumer math, Apologia chemistry, growing in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

A keeper at home skill I am using/learning...using coupons and saving money at the store! This is a lot of fun! :) I love getting good deals for my family.

A spiritual lesson I’m learning…just how important and beautiful it is for ladies to be meek and quiet.

A godly character trait I plan to work on…I'm still working on patience and humility!!

Scripture I am memorizing… Proverbs 31:10-31(I have been somewhat negligent to this duty lately); This week Daddy is leading us in memorizing 2 Timothy 3:16 and Joshua 1:8 (KJV). It's so wonderful to see the four of us memorizing God's Word together; this is precious family time, no doubt!

I am praying for… Various family and church requests, prayer for God's guidance as to how this blog will be arranged and led this year, His guidance as to some projects that I feel He has laid on my heart-I pray that He would truly reveal His will to me.

For the rest of the week… I plan to be writing for this blog, Lord willing. I have school, will(Lord willing) be responding to the numerous blog comments and e-mails that I haven't gotten around to yet, will be busy caring for my family, working on special little somethings-read announcement posts- :)etc. We're definitely staying busy. :)

A picture I’d like to share… is this:

I thought it was very pretty and delightfully feminine! :)