I hate to be the bearer of bad news this morning, but the release of the first article in the stay-at-home daughterhood series has been pushed to Friday, September 25th, 2009. The time between my arrival home and today was going to be spent on putting the finishing touches, etc. on the first article. However, I've been distracted and preoccupied due to the terrible news received Monday about a family in our church. While I know this delay is a huge letdown to all of you as well as to myself, I feel that I would be letting us down all the more if I attempted to just go through the motions with the article, without really putting my heart and my best into it when my mind is on other things. I want this series to be the best it can be to God's glory, and I feel that if I had attempted to prepare the article for release today, it wouldn't have been the best it could be. I'm so sorry for this unexpected and unforseen problem and postponement. I had so wanted this series to begin on my father's birthday (today). I know, however, that God's will is best, and His timing perfect. This way, at least you'll have more time to vote in the poll and spread the word about the series! God is good, and has a good plan for this project. To God alone be the glory!
Please continue to pray for the family at church!! This is such a sad and awful situation, and they really need prayer at this time! Thank you!
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God bless you!
~Rebekah S.