
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The End of a Trip......and the Beginning of a Giveaway!

I don't have a long time to be on here currently, but I did want to hop on over to say that, first of all, we're back safely from our trip to visit family in Texas and Arkansas. We had a wonderful time visiting with everyone, and the Lord greatly blessed us with safety throughout our journey.

Second, I have an exciting announcement to make. My friend Jasmine is hosting yet another wonderful giveaway on her blog. The prize this time is a copy of the new DVD project by the Botkin family entitled Homeschool Dropouts. I am so thankful to the Lord for this new endeavor, as it addresses an issue which has been on my heart for some time now, as well. When you study the homeschool movement of the 1980s, you discover just how much our parents fought for the liberty to homeschool their children. Now, the baton is being passed to us-the homeschooled children of these great men and women. Will we continue on with a vision of victory for homeschooling? Or will we, as so many have, drop the baton and refuse to go on? Through researching and writing for this blog and simply observing many of the homeschooled young women in my local homeschool group, one thing that keeps bombarding me is the fact that, sadly, the vast majority of female homeschooled seniors are not preparing for homemaking, motherhood, and homeschooling. Instead, they are planning to go off to college and prepare for careers-careers which, if not ended once their children are school-aged, will prevent them from homeschooling. It's a sad epidemic which is plagueing the homeschool movement, a movement begun, largely, for the express purpose of parents being able to spend more time with their children, build a stronger family unit, and instruct their children in the ways of the Lord, that they, too, might homeschool their own one day and continue the mission of high education and Biblical discipleship.

Clearly, if we-the second generation of homeschoolers-do not purposefully prepare now for the high and noble task of homeschooling our own children one day, the liberty our parents fought for will be lost.

For more information on Homeschool Dropouts, the newly-released DVD produced by the five Botkin children, please click here.

To enter the giveaway, journey on over here.

Speaking of projects, be sure to check back, as I will be announcing my very own project soon! Hint: it has to do with the printed page. ;) Feel free to leave your guesses in the comment section!


  1. Are you writing a book?

  2. Yes, I am writing a book. Great work, S! :)

    Does anyone care to guess what kind of book I'm currently working on?

  3. There are other reasons to go to college than for a career. I went to a Bible College to learn more about the scriptures and God. Both of my daughters went to college and both home school their children (they have 9 between them). Neither have careers and in no way do I consider their education a waste of money or time. I saw both of them grow spiritually (one went Covenant College which is near you and the other to a secular university). The one who went to a secular university went knowing what she believed and why and was able to articulate it personally and in papers in such a way that even when her teachers disagreed they respected her for her stance.

    Both of them are stay at home moms, keepers of their homes and homeschooling moms. The knowledge they gained in those four years of schooling has served them well as they home educate their children, run their homes, serve their Lord and revere their husbands.


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.