
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Excellent Giveaway! Don't miss it!

I had the blessed pleasure of meeting Mrs. Victoria Botkin at last year's Vision Forum father daugher retreat. I spoke with her for some time, and was blessed through her motherly disposition, encouragement, wisdom, and abiding humility. She is a very wise woman with a wealth of knowledge to bestow to other ladies.

It is for this reason that I am so thrilled to announce the upcoming Evenings with Victoria Botkin mentoring sessions. I would highly encourage you to sign up for this wonderful opportunity; you won't want to miss it!

The Botkins have generously offered free registration to 3 winners. Please go to the following places to check out these great giveaways:

Generation Cedar (formally Families Against Feminism)


  1. Hey Rebekah! I'm going to the FD Retreat this year with my daddy--can't wait! Are you going again? I could totally use some advice on what to bring to wear, lol. I know I need something nice for the meal, stuff to wear to the sessions and something to be fairly active in, but that's about it. Any extra details from your experience would be really helpful.

  2. Please forgive the interruption, Rebekah. I wanted to ask for prayers for Andrew Koigan, a young man found dead from suicide today :( He was an actor and acted many years ago with Kirk Cameron on Growing Pains. I also ask that we pray for his grieving family, who bravely mustered enough strength to give a message of life to all those considering suicide today after discovering their son. Thanks.

    PS: I'll be praying for your family and the atheist.

  3. Hi, Stephanie! I'm so happy to hear that you will be going! That is wonderful; it will be a special time for you both! Daddy and I have attended the past 3 retreats and have been so very blessed through each one!

    Yes, we will be attending this year! The Lord is so merciful in allowing us to do so again. It will be wonderful, I'm sure!

    I'd be happy to help you with that! For the high tea on Saturday, you'll want a "dressy" dress. You could wear a skirt and blouse set if you'd like, but generally the daughters wear their best dresses. As for the speech sessions, most of the daughters wear nice, comfortable skirts and tops (some wear casual dresses, a few wear pants). I personally wear dresses and skirts exclusively, so I wear a skirt and top outfit for those. As for the games on Friday, most daughters wear comfortible, modest skirt/top outfits or casual dresses that they can play games in. I hope that helps you! If you have any other questions regarding the retreat, I'd be happy to help you with those! Hopefully we'll be able to meet. :)

    I hope you and your father have a delightful time together!




    Yes, I heard about that. I used to watch that show occasionally when I was younger (not always the best idea! :/ ), and I vaguely remember him. I read in the paper the other day that he was missing, and I immediately felt uneasy. Then last night I heard the report that he had died. Are they positive that it was suicide? I had heard that he was depressed, and so they're thinking it was. Could it be possible, though, that maybe he got lost in that forest and, under the bad weather conditions, died due to exposure to the elements? That would be tragic, too, though. It's just a terrible situation any way you look at it, and my heart goes out to his poor family. I hope they'll be able to have a ministry to others through this. I will definitely be praying for them; thank you for bring this up! I'm sure Kirk Cameron is going through a terrible time right now, as well.

    Also, I so appreciate your prayers for my family members. My great-uncle is actually no longer an atheist. He had professed to be so for years, but then a couple years ago changed into believing that there is a God. Leeland just doesn't feel that he has a need for Him, however, and is not interested in discussing Christianity at all. He feels invincible, as if he doesn't need "help" or "salvation". I greatly appreciate your prayers!


  4. Thank you, Rebekah :) You have a sweet heart. They're pretty sure it was suicide; his father said it was. Praise God your uncle's safe!

  5. You're welcom! :) I really appreciate that.

    What a shame; I can't imagine what a difficult time this must be for his friends and family.

    My uncle still needs prayer. He likely does not have colon cancer after all (praise the Lord!), but does probably have other forms of cancer. I would appreciate your continued prayers! :)

  6. He will have my continued prayers then :) Thank you too and you're welcome :)


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.