
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Surprise Pics Installment 2! ;)

Here's installment number 2 of the surprise pics I promised you all. I had so much fun doing installment 1, because I thoroughly enjoyed your excited and sweet comments. :) I could tell that you were all having fun with this, and that was neat.

So, here is installment 2, with pics from 1994 and 1995. Remember-I was born in July 1992, so keep that in mind and you'll know approximately how old I am in these! :)

Dental hygiene is very important! :)

Don't you just love my curls? :) This is around the time of my second birthday. We went up to one of my very favorite places-the corn field and country area of Indiana to visit my great-grandparents for the first time! I've always had fun up here, but it wasn't until recently that I've really come to appreciate my great-grandparents so very much. This was my first croquet game!! :) Now I enjoy playing croquet at the Vision Forum father/daughter retreats!

Having a very important talk with my grandfather! :) This is my mom's dad. I think this is just such a sweet picture.

Already preparing to be a homemaker! :) I LOVED that little stove. It was definitely the best gift for me!

Christmas 1994. Believe it or not, I'm only 2 years and 5 months in this picture! Amazing, itsn't it? I've always looked much older than my actual age.


While living in Texas near my grandparents(where we lived until I was 12 1/2, when we moved up here to Tennessee), it became a tradition beginning in 1995 for my grandmother(my mom's mom) to take me to a great big field of bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes for an annual photo. I have some sweet memories of these special and fun times. :)

July 12th, 1995-my 3rd birthday! :) Once again, I look much older than I really am.

Christmas morning, 1995. Preparing already to be a mommy. :) This was one of my first, if not my first, doll. I was SO happy to receive her and her special stroller. I named her Jessica, and took her with me wherever I went, to care for her and take care of her. :) I still have her to this day-she's tucked away in my room near my window seat, ready to be given to my(Lord willing) first born daughter. :)

I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my childhood. :) More pics(from 1996 and 1997) will be posted soon!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer Blowout Sale!

Have you been ministered to through Crystal Paine and her Biblical Womanhood site? Have you been wanting to purchase all of her Christ-exalting e-books, but never thought you had the money to?

Well, now you do! Only for today, Wednesday July 30th, Mrs. Paine is very generously offering up for sale all of her e-books for the amazing price of only $5.97!! This is an over $100 value!

This is an exceptionally great deal when you consider the fact that each of these e-books can be printed out if you prefer to read them as actual booklets! You don't have to read them on the computer if you rather not.

So, please go here to show this wonderful lady your support, while at the same time, getting your hands on some wonderful, Christ-honoring products.


Friday, July 25, 2008

Surprise Pics Installment 1! :)

As I disclosed a couple days ago, the surprise "gift" I was going to be giving you all in honor of my 16th birthday was the ability to see various pictures from the first 16 years of my life. I thought you all might enjoy this, so I hope you have fun viewing the following glimpses into my life. :) This is installment 1, with more pics to follow on Monday.

Enjoy! ;)

Me and my dear Mother on July 12th 1992
What fun!
Me and my Daddy :)

Getting bigger! :)

Look how tall I am! (but still not as tall as Daddy!....)
Our family on Easter Sunday, 1993
1st Birthday!!!
Awww..... :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Only the Lord knows why things don't happen according to our plans. :)

I was going to post the pics on here last night while my father was at our church's Wednesday night men and sons meeting. He didn't end up attending it last night, though, and so in order to not steal away from family time, I didn't post the pictures.

The plan was then for me to post them today obviously! But we've been on the run all day and now that my father's home, I don't believe I should steal away from family time tonight either.

The pics still have to be saved to the computer and then I will post them(unless the Lord has something else planned for me that I don't know about! ;)) tomorrow.

Thank you ladies, for being so gracious and understanding!

A man plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps. ~Prov. 16:9!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Without Further Ado........

The surprise pictures will be:

drumroll please.......................

pictures from my first 16 years. :)

I thought it might be fun for all of you to enjoy a little glimpse into my life thus far. I thought you would enjoy seeing what I looked like as a little child, etc. I hope you enjoy the surprise pictures and that they bring a smile to your face! :) The first set of pics will be posted today!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Update Regarding Suprise Pics!! :)

Regretfully, my camera wasn't working and therefore I was unable to post the surprise pics when I wanted to. The camera is up and running again, praise the Lord, so the pics should be posted very soon!! ;)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Special Surprise! :)

As some of you know, my 16th birthday is tomorrow, July 12th. On one's birthday, the day is always centered on them and they are the ones who receive all the gifts. Well, I'm going to turn that around! Either tomorrow or Monday(hopefully tomorrow!!), I will be posting something special for all of you to enjoy. I can only give one hint: there will be special pics posted. :)
Just for fun, would any of you like to make a guess as to what the surprise is? If so, leave your guess in the comment section!

I'm excited about doing this special, fun little thing for all my treasured blog readers.

May the Lord richly bless you this day!