
Friday, July 25, 2008

Surprise Pics Installment 1! :)

As I disclosed a couple days ago, the surprise "gift" I was going to be giving you all in honor of my 16th birthday was the ability to see various pictures from the first 16 years of my life. I thought you all might enjoy this, so I hope you have fun viewing the following glimpses into my life. :) This is installment 1, with more pics to follow on Monday.

Enjoy! ;)

Me and my dear Mother on July 12th 1992
What fun!
Me and my Daddy :)

Getting bigger! :)

Look how tall I am! (but still not as tall as Daddy!....)
Our family on Easter Sunday, 1993
1st Birthday!!!
Awww..... :)


  1. Isn't it so much fun to look back at old photos?!

  2. Awwwwwwwwww ... thanks so much for posting those. Your hair has gotten a little darker, hasn't it?


    P.S. I emailed you a little while ago. Did you get it?

  3. aaawwww!! you were so cute!! I love pictures=) thanks for posting them and I'm looking forward to the rest!


  4. Dear Rebekah,

    Ooooh, thank you for posting these. You looked so cute then.


  5. I will share my situation, which is similar to many of my friends. We are (or were) all homeschooled young ladies raised in Christian families who practice courtship and many other beliefs that the VF crowd shares. We certainly want to please the Lord with all our heart.

    But how does your view of life work for a young woman whose family does not agree? My father told me I had to support myself once I was done with my formal education. If you truly believe that we are to submit to our fathers' authority, then I had to obey him in this and work a full-time job outside the home. And before you say it, yes I tried to work from home. For some years. But now I'm in my late twenties and the luxury of time to try to make that work is over. If what is Biblical is to obey my father, I must go to work. Which I did, over ten years ago. It's been a hard ten years. I wanted to be a stay-at-home daughter. You can't know how badly. But what was I to do??

    You might respond that it is better to obey God than to obey man (the apostle Peter's response to the corrupt temple leaders in Acts). If so, am I to stop eating or be homeless? If I do not earn money, I cannot afford any place to live. There have been a few times when a crisis did come and I actually found myself without much to eat or without a place to live, temporarily. If I refused to work, I can't imagine what would have happened.

    For those of you who have families who will shelter and feed you, great. What about the rest of us? Are your families going to support us as well? Seriously...if I knew a family who would do that, or had known of them years ago, I would have been thrilled. I look forward to your response.

    - Marie K. from Texas

  6. Hello, Marie! Thank you so much for your testimony.

    My heart goes out to you. I am fully aware that there are those who do not find themselves in what some would call the "perfect situation"-where your father agrees with what the Bible says on stay-at-home daughterhood, etc.

    I will be addressing all of the issues and questions you raised in the upcoming stay-at-home daughterhood article series. It will answer many never before answered questions-ones that some people attempt to just push under the rug, ignore, and not deal with.

    So, Marie, I pray that the upcoming series is a rich blessing to you!

    Thank you again for sharing with me your testimony. Welcome to my blog, and I hope to see your comments on here more in the future!

    The Lord's richest blessings,
    Rebekah Ann

  7. I will also address the common, "I'm your father but you must provide for yourself when you're done with your education" idea that we hear so often. Interestingly, the Bible speaks on this in various passages and various ways. I think you'll be astonished by what you read in the Scriptures on this subject. I know I was! :) All this will be addressed and covered in my series.

  8. I will certainly check back to watch for your series. :)

    - Marie

  9. You were SO cute! I loved seeing these pictures!

  10. Thank you for kind comment on my book review of so much more! Its amazing how the lord works in ways we never even consider sometimes. What beautiful pictures you posted!


Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Please come back often. Thank you for your comment as well; your input is always most welcome! Even if you disagree with something, I encourage you to leave a comment; I just ask that you do so in a loving and Christ-like manner.

God bless you!

~Rebekah S.