
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer Blowout Sale!

Have you been ministered to through Crystal Paine and her Biblical Womanhood site? Have you been wanting to purchase all of her Christ-exalting e-books, but never thought you had the money to?

Well, now you do! Only for today, Wednesday July 30th, Mrs. Paine is very generously offering up for sale all of her e-books for the amazing price of only $5.97!! This is an over $100 value!

This is an exceptionally great deal when you consider the fact that each of these e-books can be printed out if you prefer to read them as actual booklets! You don't have to read them on the computer if you rather not.

So, please go here to show this wonderful lady your support, while at the same time, getting your hands on some wonderful, Christ-honoring products.


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God bless you!

~Rebekah S.