
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Please welcome the Daughters of His Story Paper Dolls!!

As I mentioned here, my dear friends Breezy and Emily Rose Brookshire have just completed, by God's amazing grace, a wonderful project: the Daughters of His Story Paper Dolls Collection. I'm so excited about this great ministry and the impact it will have on girls and young ladies-the future wives, mothers and homemakers of the next generation! The dolls are now available for purchase on Noble Rose Press, the beautiful site talented Emily designed as a store for their projects. Through Saturday, October 10th, Breezy and Emily are offering their paper dolls at a special introductory sale price, so hop on over to Noble Rose Press and take a look! I've already place my order, and am so looking forward to adding these dolls to my collection of hopechest items! :)

Also, the Brookshire's friend Sarah Mae is offering a giveaway of these dolls, so be sure to go to her blog and enter!!

Thank you for supporting my dear friends in their dominion endeavors! Please continue to spread the word about their home business, and may these dolls serve as a great encouragement to you and your family!

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God bless you!

~Rebekah S.