The Need of the Hour
What does our country need? Not armies standing
With sabers gleaming ready for the fight;
Not increased navies, skillful and commanding,
To bound the waters with an iron might;
Not haughty men with glutted purses trying
To purchase souls, and keep the power of place:
Not jeweled dolls with one another vying
For palms of beauty, elegance and grace.
But we want women, strong of soul, yet lovely
With that rare meekness, born of gentleness;
Women whose lives are pure and clean and holy,
The women whom all little children bless:
Brave, earnest women, helpful to each other,
With finest scorn for all things low and mean:
Women who hold the names of wife and mother
Far nobler than the title of a queen.
Oh! These are they who mould the men of story,
These mothers, ofttime shorn of grace and youth,
Who, worn and weary, ask no greater glory
Than making some young soul the home of truth;
Who sow in hearts all fallow for the sowing
The seeds of virtue and scorn for sin,
And patient, watch the beauteous harvest growing
And weed out tares which crafty hands cast in.
Women who do not hold the gift of beauty
As some rare treasure to be bought and sold,
But guard it as a precious aid to duty-
The outer framing of the inner gold;
Women who, low above their cradles bending,
Let flattery's voice go by, and give no heed,
While their pure prayers like inscense ascending:
These are our country's pride, our country's need.
I pray that this beautiful poem was an encouragement to you to be godly young women to the glory of God in the middle of this world which scorns all things feminine and lovely.
May the Lord richly bless you and grant to you strength as you strive to glorify, please and honor Him through Biblical femininity, amidst a world and culture who belittles such ladies.
By His grace and for His glory,
Rebekah Ann Shadoin
*The above poem is an excerpt from the beautiful book entitled, Verses of Virtue: The Poetry and Prose of Christian Womanhood. It is compiled and edited by Elizabeth Beall Phillips, mother to 8 children, and wife of Doug W. Phillips, Esq., the President of Vision Forum, Inc. This book is available through http://www.visionforum.com/, and I would very highly recommend it to each and every one of you young ladies out there who are seeking encouragement regarding your vision of noble daughterhood and womanhood.
This was the first post that I ever published, and my feelings on these subjects remain the same. My purpose and mission is the same. I praise God, from Whom all blessings flow, for blessing this first year so richly. I do not deserve His blessings, but He lavishly bestowed them upon me anyway. All glory goes to Him and Him alone! Through the past year, I have met the sweetest young ladies in the world. These dear girls have become my closest friends, and I thank the Lord for them. I have also been so blessed by the comments of many women(and a few men!) who have visited this blog and have given me encouragement and grace. To all of the people who have ever commented on my blog(whether you agreed with me or not): thank you. Thank you for leaving your comments. The wonderful comments and e-mails I receive are what makes blogging so wonderful. I'm so thankful that the Lord has spread the word about my little corner of the blogosphere, and by so doing, has allowed me to meet and converse with such wonderful people. I pray that He continues to spread the word and make my blog known to even more people in the coming year of ministry. Praise God for His goodness and grace!
I have such a big vision for the next year of this blog! There are so many, many articles and article series that I will be posting in the next year that I'm so excited about! I will be branching this ministry out(Lord willing) with many more posts, new blog features, and some new ministry ideas that I cannot disclose at the moment. :) Needless to say, I'm very excited! All glory and honor belongs to my wonderful Savior, Who I know has wonderful plans for this blog and its upcoming year.
In closing, I would like to issue forth another huge thank-you to all the readers of my blog. This blog is for YOU and each and every one of you make it a success. Thank you for your gracious comments, your faithful reading of this blog, and for your friendship and mentorship. May you all experience the Lord's richest blessings.
By HIS grace and for HIS glory,
Miss Rebekah Ann S.
How exciting! It's amazing how quickly a year flies by!! I look forward to the posts you will bless many with this next year...
ReplyDeleteIn Christ,
Congratulation Rebecca!! Your blog has been such an encouragement to me. Thank you for letting the Lord lead you. I will add your blog to my blogroll
Happy Blogaversary!
ReplyDeleteRebekah, I have a award for you on my blog. :)
Dear Rebekah,
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary! I have been a reader of your blog for a long time and the story of how I found you was interesting.
I read Crystal Paine's blog Biblical Womanhood and I once saw a comment on there by you. I was motivated to look at your profile because you began your comment with "Dear Mrs. Paine"
That meant that you were probably a girl close to my own age (which you are) so I decided to take a look.
Now a little less than a year later I am still reading your blog.
My first comment was posted under SoulsforChrist7. It was
"Dear Rebekah,
I memorized that poem once. I look forward to looking around your
blog for awhile. You sound like you are very likeminded with me
I don't know if you remember it or not. I commented a few more times but I became a little lazy and didn't comment anymore.
I have since then acquired a blog and changed my commenting name to SavedGirl and acquired the pseudomyn Lulu.
I have decided that maybe I should stop being lazy and comment a bit more.
I really love your blog and would like to encourage you to keep up the good work. I can't wait for the next batch of pictures.
Hi, Allison!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your comment. :) I truly don't know where all the time went! The thought that a year has already passed since I began this blog just astounds me! :)
Thank you so much for your dear friendship and sweet comments. :)
Many blessings,
Thanks, dear friend! :)
Victoria Rebecca,
Thank you so much! I'm so happy to know that my blog has ministered to you. Praise God for His goodness! Thank you so much for adding me! :)
May the Lord richly bless you and yours,
So, you're Amber! :)
I'm so happy to know that you're still visiting my blog! Of course I remember you. I had been missing your comments! :)
And, thank you so much for sharing that story! I always enjoy learning how my readers ventured onto my blog! :) That's fun to know! What a neat story. The Lord leads us in such special ways, doesn't He? :) Praise God for His leading you to come over here!
Thank you so much for the encouragement! As I'm sure you well know, having the beliefs and convictions we do sometimes puts us into hot water with those who disagree! So, thank you so much for the encouragement to go forward and press on. I really appreciate your sweet comment.
May the Lord be with you and guide you!
God bless,
Rebekah Ann
I LOVE that the Lord is raising up such godly young women! Keep loving Jesus!
ReplyDeleteHello from New Zealand Rebekah !
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your one years aniversary.
My oldest daughter(only 13) and I recently found your blog and love it.We are very interested in the daughter at home posts you will be doing....When are you planning on posting them ? Our Sarah can not wait to read them as she has the same convictions as you.
It is wonderful to find young ladies with your convictions.In our country it is very very unusual so it is nice for our girls to read blogs like yours.
God Bless you and yours.
Dear Mrs. Helms,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement! All glory goes to the Lord! May He richly bless you for your kindness. :)
Miss Rebekah Ann S.
Dear Anonymous and daughter,
Hello! I'm so excited to receive a comment from someone in New Zealand! :) Do you and your family know the Botkins ladies or their dear friend Mrs. Genevieve de Degud(formally Miss Genevieve Smith)? Mrs. de Degud lives in New Zealand, and the Botkins used to for about 5 years.
It's such a joy to meet you and your dear daughter! How many other blessings do you have? How did you venture onto my blog? I will be posting that article series as soon as the Lord wills(asap)! :) More info on it will be posted in the coming day or two. I'm so happy to hear that your daughter Sarah has these same Biblical convictions as well. Praise God for what He is doing in the lives of daughters all over the world! All glory goes to Him.
I've heard, through the Botkins, a lot about New Zealand, and understand that there aren't that many godly role models or mentors in that region of the world. It is therefore an honor to reach out to you and your daughter and to encourage you and strengthen you in any way that I can.
May the Lord richly bless your entire family! I look forward to hearing from you in the future, Lord willing.
God bless and thank you so much for your comment,
Miss Rebekah Ann S.
Hello again Rebekah,
ReplyDeleteWe are excited to hear about the series of articles coming up soon..
No we did not meet the Botkins when they lived here , but we do know the lovely Smith family.Geneveive is in Australia now I believe . You are right ,there are few families here with similar convictions...
We have four blessings,three daughters and one son and have always homeschooled.
Thank you for your reply to our comment .
Mrs Ann and Miss Sarah E