Sen. John S. McCain has chosen Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin to be his VP, which means that we may very well have a female Vice President-for the first time in American history. Gov. Palin is the first Republican woman in history to ever be on a Presidential ticket. It's dicouraging that even that political party which has always been more conservative is now ok with picking a woman to be on the ticket. Secondly, it was saddening to hear Sarah Palin's speech where she said, "It's such an honor to be chosen VP on a day so close to the anniversary of women's suffrage." It's a sad time in our nation's history, as even more and more, America falling under the curse found in Isaiah 3:12:
"As for My people, children are their oppressors and women rule over them."
America has, for too long, been apostate in its beliefs, actions, laws, disrespect for God, etc., and God is not willing to just sit back any longer. If we do not begin, as a country, to return to the "old paths wherein there is life", we will face the judgment and wrath of God on our nation. It is time that we fall on our knees and repent of our unfaithfulness to God and His Word. Only then will there be hope of reformation.
In light of this news, I will be posting(when I return from vacation) an updated and expanded version of my article, "The Curse of Women Rulers", which is an article based on Is. 3:12 and which was originally written when Hillary Clinton was running for President. I pray that this updated version will be a blessing and will be used by God to help turn our nation back Him.
Personally, I am absolutely thrilled with McCain's choice. I think Palin is a great pick. I am especially impressed with Palin's commitment to ending abortion, because I believe it speaks so much louder when women are against abortion as opposed to men being against it. Basically, I am looking at Palin's policys, most all of which I agree with, rather than just her gender. I also think it says a lot that the president of Focus on the Family is very supportive of Palin (I saw him on FOX news last night), and I don't mean this to sound offensive, but I think it makes anyone opposed to her running because she is female seem very extreme. Focus on the Family is a very religious organization, so if they support her, I think the percentage of people not voting for Sarah because of her sex will be really low.
Personally, I am absolutely thrilled with McCain's choice. I think Palin is a great pick. I am especially impressed with Palin's commitment to ending abortion, because I believe it speaks so much louder when women are against abortion as opposed to men being against it. Basically, I am looking at Palin's policys, most all of which I agree with, rather than just her gender. I also think it says a lot that the president of Focus on the Family is very supportive of Palin (I saw him on FOX news last night), and I don't mean this to sound offensive, but I think it makes anyone opposed to her running because she is female seem very extreme. Focus on the Family is a very religious organization, so if they support her, I think the percentage of people not voting for Sarah because of her sex will be really low.
Oh my dear sister, please: you have grossly misunderstood that passage in Isiah. God used women as rulers and positions of authority several times in the Bible. Even if I considered this a sin, my biggest complaint at the moment would certainly not be that we may have a woman VP. There are so many worse things going on in the world, it ain't funny.
ReplyDeleteMay I direct you to the blog "Ornaments of Grace"? Sister Terry has posted support for Mrs. Palin, and when a couple of people objected (using that passage from Isiah) she offered a very good counter-explanation. Thanks!
Ah, yes, I can understand the basis of your thoughts. I too wish that more good men would be in power so that women wouldn't be taking their places.
ReplyDeleteBut we have to consider what is at stake here: Which would be the greater curse, a Marxist President ruling over us or a Conservative President with a righteous woman Vice President ruling over us?
She may very well be the Deborah like figure that will bring good men back into power! That doesn't mean that all women should make that their "goal"...no, and Sarah Palin did not ask for this job, she was called. She is a woman that fought against government corruption in Alaska when apparently the men ruling there didn't. Seeing her in this position doesn't make me think, "Oh, that's what all of us girls should be doing!". Rather, I see this as a special calling for a special time. There are plenty of women in politics that shouldn't be there. There are also plenty of men in politics that shouldn't be there. But this unusual lady is different in that she has actually accomplished righteous things in both her home and political field, rather than just tooted a feminist horn. This motherly woman may help pave the way for a new generation of righteous men. Obama certainly won't!
There is a difference between being principled and being prideful. As principled as it may seem to be, voting for an obscure third party candidate will only increase Obama's chances of winning. Won't it be sad if the fault of electing the Marxist Obama should lie with irresponsible Christian conservatives?
Furthermore, McCain's "liberalism" is a total misconception. His various choices in politics are results of his Federalist standings, etc. (I will gladly discuss if you are curious).
Somewhere along the line people began tarnishing his image...maybe the same sort of people that make up Obama's "savior image"...or maybe idealistic people that are very stuck-up.
Believe me, I'm idealistic and have high standards. But I know that in this fallen world we must be realistic. I will do my best to be the stay-at-home daughter striving to reclaim what generations before us have lost (I love the book, "So Much More"!), but I know I must humble myself and work with the best we have been given in the political process. Whether we like it or not, we apparently asked for it. How can a Christian man even condemn the situation if he isn't running for office himself? After all, that's what we want to see more of - the godly men going for it, not just cheering for it. :-)
The state of this nation is very near to my heart and very humbling. I am begging in prayer that something good will come out of it.
Hope all is well with you!
Take care and MAY GOD BLESS,
(I have a blogspot account, but I blog at my own url)
Question: Do you consider what Ester did, entering into the royal court when not summonsed, a bad thing?? Do you dislike the heroine because she disobeyed the rules to save her people?~ Maybe the Lord is using Sarah Palin for some good reason. No, it's not the "perfect" option, but, do we live in a perfect world? Does everyone think the same? Even as Christians, do we all believe in God the same way?
ReplyDeleteI understand where you're coming from, but, what IF she's the next Ester?! Obviously her and her husband have made this decision together, and who are we to judge them for that?~
I wanted to comment, but I realized "anonymous" said pretty much the same thing I would...I am thrilled for Palin being chosen as our new veep candidate. I believe she can greatly aid in the United States coming back under a more just rule.
ReplyDeleteI am not using my blog ID because I doubt it is of interest to most of your readers, but if you want it, I will e-mail/post it.
With love, Tiffany M.
I direct you to Amy's article on www.humblemusings.com about Sarah Palin. Please read carefully what she says about the scope of women's submission to men (the home and the church).
ReplyDeletePalin for President!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen I lived in Alaska, the Palin family were neighbors of mine. She is a great woman and a strong Christian! I am glad she is running as the VP candidate.
Palin is THE ONLY reason why I am voting this election year. I despise both Obama and McCain. But I truly respect and support Palin.